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Posts posted by Rigaudon

  1. I don't know about everyone else, but i'll be really busy for the next few few weeks. My AP US history test is coming up and we JUST got our books. I don't think i can cram 300 pages in 1 week T.TSo I'm studying like unbelievably crazy. I also missed a few days in chemistry and have no idea what's going on. I'll be pretty active once again after that during summer.Also, I was reluctant to post because I had exactly 100 posts.PS: NOOOOOOOOO!! 101 posts!!!!! It's not an even number anymore!!!

  2. I've got it!

    1) Use a java applet to get the picture. They won't be able to see where the picture is and can only get the class, which shows no source code. Here's a simple java app script:

    import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; 			 public class appletImage extends Applet{  Image img;  MediaTracker tr;  public void paint(Graphics g) {	tr = new MediaTracker(this);	img = getImage(getCodeBase(), "freelinuxcds.gif");	tr.addImage(img,0);	g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this);  } }
    Change the image src in the code as necessary.
    To put this on your site, copy the code, compile it, and store the class in the same folder. Add this where you want the image:
    <applet code="appletImage.class" height="500" width="500">

    2) Make it impossible to take a screenshot of it by overriding the clipboard when they press any key- Unfortunately, it only works for IE, but it's something.

    document.onkeydown=copy;function copy() {var text2copy = "NO";  if (window.clipboardData) {	window.clipboardData.setData("Text",text2copy);  } else {	var flashcopier = 'flashcopier';	if(!document.getElementById(flashcopier)) {	  var divholder = document.createElement('div');	  divholder.id = flashcopier;	  document.body.appendChild(divholder);	}	document.getElementById(flashcopier).innerHTML = '';	var divinfo = '<embed src="_clipboard.swf" FlashVars="clipboard='+escape(text2copy)+'" width="0" height="0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>';	document.getElementById(flashcopier).innerHTML = divinfo;  }}

    3) Just for extra safety, disable right-click.

    This should cover about 99% of normal internet users. Hope this helps!

  3. Sony doesn't (as far as I know) have any preexisting contracts with Microsoft, so it shouldn't be a surprise that what you record doesn't play right on Windows Media Player.If you're looking for a universal media player, try VLC media player- hasn't failed me yet.As for the off-sync of video and sound, it's either a problem with the hardware or the incompatibility with the media player. If VLC plays it off sync, then I'd take it back for a refund because then it would most likely be a hardware issue.

  4. True, but one thing that bugs me with jQuery is that if you don't understand EVERY element what you're trying to do, then you don't really have a grip over what's going on or how it's going to conflict with other code. For example, I like to define my $() function as a "return document.getElementById(id)".You're right though, since jQuery is the "write less do more" js library. I don't know if it's just me, but I can't stand using someone else's code and not completely understand everything that's going on. It makes me rather uneasy, and I'm really not motivated to look through it.

  5. First of all, Google can't push all the blame on China. Just because the targets are Chinese rights activists, one can't assume that it was the Chinese who targeted them. Real proof would be something like an IP address, but then they could directly track where the hackers originated.Hackers take advantage of loopholes and weaknesses in a system. If these hackers found Google's weakness and exploited it, why didn't they make good use of it? Google can't be certain that they didn't take any passwords (but then again, the hackers would only be able to see hashed passwords, so I guess it wouldn't really matter).Maybe it's all another conspiracy.

  6. I don't understand it when kids in my class send text messages. I got to see what they were sending once, and the topic was completely irrelevant and obsolete. I wonder if they send text messages for the sake of sending them. They justify their massive amount of sending by saying that if they don't send, then they're wasting their plan benefits, and justify renewing that plan on the basis that they send a lot of text messages. Well, in any case, the people who send texts constantly usually don't do very well in school anyways.

  7. I'm still in high school, and so far, it's been a very rewarding experience.Although it's true that I haven't stayed at one high school for over a year, I've been able to meet lots of new people and have a lot of fun.The natural struggles that high schoolers go through are completely healthy and intended, imo. I'm still kinda freaked out about going to college, since it's a big step.My most memorable experience in high school as of now was the last day of freshman year. The electricity was off and my class was in a very deep part of the school. It was pitch black, so we ended up having to get a flashlight from somewhere and put it in the middle of the table. We could practically get away with anything since it was so dark. In the end, I wasn't able to get much done other than a little underage gambling O_o Everyone went home early that day, and someone decided to play 52 pick-up with 10 decks in the main hall while everyone was rushing out. I got an ace of spades as a souvenir.

  8. To make passwords almost uncrackable we can also use characters which fall above the ascii code 255. There are all sorts of characters and symbols like ┘┼║îĽ and so on. There are around more than thousand symbols like these. To type these characters press hold the "Alt" key on the keyboard and type the number, say "Alt 486" for the character 'ľ'. This increase in the range of base value for crackers to use in their cracking programs, which makes it almost impossible with todays computing power.

    If a password field accepts ascii, then the chances for someone getting your password is slim to none- not to mention that if someone did know your password, if they weren't familiar with ascii, they wouldn't be able to type it at all.

    With ascii, a standard 8-character password has (256^8) permutations, which is about 1.84467441 × 10^19, versus a standard 8-character password with letters and numbers (34^8), which is only 1.785793904896 x 10^12.

    Seven zeros in places. To put this in perspective, if everyone in america, including children, came up with 5816 unique passwords, then the total amount would be how much MORE ascii would be than normal passwords.

    It would take every ONE PERSON in the WORLD to contribute 2.7565243 × 10^9, or 27.5 billion, individual unique passwords to get all of the possible permutations.

    AND! That's only for 8 characters. Do you think you could come up with 27.5 billion unique passwords?

  9. 2. Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego 51.47$6. Mesothelioma Patients 50.23$
    7. Mesothelioma attorney san diego 50.07$
    9. New York Mesothelioma Lawyers 50.01$
    16. Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyers 49.87$
    62. california mesotheloma attorney 46.14$
    73. Mesothelioma doctor 45.09$

    Very informative list, but I wonder: Why are people so preoccupied about mesothelioma?

    Mesothelioma: more precisely malignant mesothelioma, is a rare form of cancer that develops from the protective lining that covers many of the body's internal organs, the mesothelium. It is usually caused by exposure to asbestos.

  10. Got the solution for those people! If they use to Firefox, they can enable safe mode (Private Browsing), which means that you can surf the net as much as you can and it won't be saved anywhere. It's a new feature added to 3.1 I think, though it was called "pr0n mode" while beta testing ;)

    That's kinda... impossible. Your browser has to download all the information on the HTML page and store it in a cache until you browse away and it's deleted, but it's still stored.

    Well, anyways, if you don't want viruses, you can just run your browser in sandboxie, a sandbox program that prevents it from interacting with anything other than what it needs.

  11. How I respond to color depends on my mood, not the other way around.If I'm feeling angry, red would make me feel hateful or even angrier, but if I'm mellow, red will be relaxing. I don't know if this is how other people respond, so meh.Well, in any case, there's certainly no debate on whether colors affect emotions, though I find it odd that a wave of a certain wavelength/frequency can affect chemical reactions to produce emotion inside the human body. Well, then again, I guess it's not that odd because it's not the wavelength that creates the reactions, it's our interpretation of it.

  12. Very nice arcade site. I don't know if you're taking constructive criticism, but personally I think it would be more aesthetically appealing if you had bigger links to the games, feature some game links/previews/screenshots on the homepage, and add a meta icon. This will probably be one of my favorite websites to visit at school if it isn't blocked. I recognize many of the flash games, like Shift and Portal.Thanks for sharing!

  13. I personally learned mySQL from lynda.com videos. It costs money for a subscription, but I think they give free trials, and you can just download all the videos you need and watch them later.If you don't want to use lynda, then you can try some other sites like w3schools, although I personally don't think they cover the information in enough detail.Here's an overview:You want to be able to know to (in order):1) Make a connection.2) Select a database.3) Query the database.4) Retrieve information from the database.5) Close the connection.When working with mySQL, you should know CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete).Good luck learning!

  14. I don't think you'll be able to find a better program for display than PHPmyAdmin, but it's mainly for an admin's own purposes, and not for public view, so I guess I kinda misunderstood.Well, actually, I don't think there exists such a program that does what you're looking for because learning how to use such a program would be more difficult than learning MySQL. MySQL is actually a VERY simple language. If you already know PHP, then mySQL will be extremely easy.I can recommend some places to learn mySQL if you need it.

  15. It is excellent for creating a wide range of forms, but what I am now looking for, since my PHP programming skills are more than basic, is a program (preferably freeware) to process the data which the form has submitted to a MySQL database for display to the screen and other things, eg. in the case of making a from for a petition, the list of people who signed the petition has to be displayed, so, is there a program which can help me take the contents of the database and format them, and then give me the code to display them online?
    It would also be good if the program had additional features, like banning IP addresses and other things you can do with submitted data in a MySQL database.

    Well, if you wanted something specifically formatted, you'd have to write that code yourself. If you're just looking for output or a list of everything in a database, use PHPmyAdmin.

    IP banning wouldn't be too difficult with a mySQL database; simply make a table of banned IP's and add them to it. In the header of every page, write some code that says "if the IP is one of the banned IP's, then redirect somewhere".

  16. HAH! That's hilarious, target the people with no life and no girlfriend. Well, one thing I don't understand is if you wire money to them, shouldn't that account be able to be tracked?In any case, if this ever happened to ME ;) certainly would not pay. For one, whose going to notice your specific information along with plenty of other no-lifes? For another, there's absolutely no guarantee that they'll remove it, and even if they do, you still have the worm, so when you do it again, it'll be back up.

  17. OH, REALLY!!so you don't have anything against women anwiii, huh, now you make me laugh. hay, you must be reasonable why are you assuming all women are just like that. you should have at least one woman in your life that you respect her. if not, then i can't say more than you met only the bad kind of women, or the worst maybe.

    now i will try to convince you about the evil thing. do you think woman who have to work day and night if she has a husband or not to feed her family is an evil woman? or do you think woman who quit her job and chose to stay home to arise her children is evil? or woman who study and spend years of her life in doing something useful to herself and to the society is evil? or do you think woman who chose to stay with a bad husband who treated her badly just for the sake of her children is an evil? and there are more. but i will give you examples. there are two women in my life i will talk about them: one cancle her scholarship in London to take the master degree, a chance comes once in person's life just because her mother was sick and she couldn't leave her alone. another was graduated from her college with a very high scores, all of her classmates assumed she will continue studding to take MD or PHD but she didn't instead she worked hard to let her husband finish his study and took PHD first and she took care of their children. and guess what? she took her PHD after 20 years from her graduation just to support her husband and arise their children. if you think those kind of women are evil then...

    i admit there is evil in everyone of us, each human has two sides good and bad. and it is our choice to follow what we want to be. also, i admit that i saw the evil side of women. some of them really hurt me a lot, some of them are my close friends. all that because of silly reasons, but i really pity them because women like that are carried away, following their feelings only, never use their brain. therefore they begin to hurt everyone around them just to satisfy themselves. in the same time, i also know evil men, pretending they are good persons and hurt women in a such horrible way, they even don't care of what they done or feel sorry. but i will never assume all men are evil.

    about bi thing, i never saw one before so, i won't argue.

    and painting toe nail. COM'ON. for the god sake, women need to feel confident. so they do that in many ways. putting makeup is a way. even i dislike thick makeup, but i do use a little lipstick or light shadow, but i can't say who put thick makeup are insecure. but i will say they are short minded, thinking that putting a lot of makeup will let them be more beautiful, they don't know it is maybe makes them look older or more ugly. here, i really remember my father when i was a teenage and want to use makeup. he convinced me with one word, he asked me if i love nature and i said yes. so, he said always be natural, nothing compare to the natural beauty.

    on the other hand, let's take it that way. women put makeup, or try to make themselves look more beautiful and men shave, or doing anything else to look handsome. now can i say men are insecure??

    FACE YOURSELF anwiii. no one become a devil or angle only by his choice. so be positive and ADMIT you are only met the bad kind of women.

    XD Hahaha...

    Don't take it out on anwiii, he probably posted this to see how women would respond, or, more likely, he's going through some sort of relationship distress right now.

    And nobody ever said YOU'RE evil.... just, you know, your gender ;)

  18. They're giving up quality for speed. Not a very good trade, in my opinion.True, sometimes I get frustrated when a page doesn't load in the first few seconds, but it's better to have a page with relevant information and wait a little longer than to have a page that loads fast but doesn't help.HOWEVER- I don't think this will be much of a problem. If your site ranks very high, then chances are it probably will also be fast to respond.

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