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Posts posted by Dynomite

  1. First off, Internet Explorer has major security and spyware issues, also it has a lack of sensible features. It has no tabbing feature which is one of my favorite things in FireFox. Also Internet Explorer has a lack of a good pop-up blocker, FireFox's pop-up blocker is very good, and works all of the time. Internet Explorer has many plugins to give it features from FireFox, but most of them don't work, and I believe them to be spyware or adware.So overall FireFox beats Internet Explorer by a long-shot. Because it is much more secure, and has much better features.

  2. That site is terrible, it probably gets alot of visits, but it's so hard to look at, and the navigation is terrible, absoloutley terrible. And it's not really smaller than even this site if you think of it, the content is smaller, but the background makes up for that.Overall pretty funny find, I really like that site apart from the fact if I look at it too long I'll. But that could happen from any site couldn't it?

  3. I like it. It looks very cool I actually like the font, but the color should be different I think, I don't know what color would suit it, but it should be a different color.---------------------------Off TopicBut I've been wondering, how do you guys do those cool pictures in your signatures, like the metal dude in this one?How long does it take you guys to complete one of those and how did you learn it all.

  4. Same here. :D

    I think he meant $200-$300 dollars though. O.o


    And to muksimp, you don't always get different software with windows...it depends on who you're buying the computer from. Dell likes to put a bunch of extra junk on there, I know.


    But that's just if you buy a computer with winodws all installed and ready to go. If you buy a no-OS system, or build your own and install windows after, of course you won't have any extra software than windows defaults.


    Dell gives Paint Shop Pro 9 with some extra brushes, that's what I use for all of my graphics. I'm reading all of the tutorials here so I can get better with my graphics.

    Also shouldn't this be in the sub-forum named "other" or something like that, not "Tutorials"?

  5. Nice script, I also made a slight change for anyone who wants it.

    If you are are hosted on Xisto and you have an upload module that uses FTP you can modify this to check if the uploader will work by setting using these settings.
    $ip = "";
    $port = "21";

    So your overall-all script would be

    <html><body><?php$ip = "";$port = "21";if (! $sock = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $num, $error, 5))echo '<div align="center">The upload is <font color=red><b>Offline</b></FONT></div><br><br>';else{echo '<div align="center">The upload is: <font color=green><b>Online</b></FONT></div><br><br>';fclose($sock);} ?></body></html>

  6. i have tried couple of firewalls and here are the results

    1. norton person firewall - it is good but it slows the pc incredibly and also decrease the internet speed only recommended for high speed internet

    3.zone alarm , kiero, sygate,tiny firewall all these functions good but sometimes they block the access to net so make u panic,

    4.mcafee personal firewall it is good light on system gives good info of blocked access, also gives the ping facility to know from where the attack occurs.

    5. and if u dont install firewall and use windows xp sp2 firewall it is more than enough to be protective

    so best is to use mcafee and windows firewall side by side


    for linux firewall u can get firewall inbuilt in it only thing is that u must know how to configure it....and it will be the best one u ever have....i recomment that u use fedora or mandrake [now mandriva] as ur distribution of choice for security both have highly configurable firewalls. u can also use clark gateway firewall , mandrake's commertial firewall and more are available

    just use waht suits u and that going to be the best one available.



    take care  :D


    That's what I use, McAffee and Windows, although I have Windows set to low because it tends to block me when I try to download things.

    I like the block/allow feature of McAffee, I also like the log feature, it's blocked alot of attacks on me.

  7. First, I like the rock formations, they have nice curve and seem very organic to me, very natural, they remind me of several places in Arizona. The rock has a nice rugged lookd to it, but something I've noticed from rock climbing and hiking is that you might want to give it a slight powdered look to it, because many mountains look that way (or at least the ones your making, or the ones you seem to be making).Second, you really might want to darken down the grass a little bit, don't bring it down to the level of real grass (or at least what the grass around here looks like) because I think making it lighter gives it a sort of nice look.

  8. Oh, sorry... :D Well, I'll explain them now...First of all you should install the SID removal hack, because the SID's prevent search engines from being able to index you, this one is a must if you want to get your site in search engines.The first link I posted was the "Bot Indexing Hack" it recognizes a couple bots and adds them to the online list. It also allows you to set what skin the bot can use, which is helpful in getting better indexing.The second link is the search Enging Optimiation Hack, it uses the Able2Know system which has about 75,000 pages indexed by Google. It makes your forum like sugar to search engines. The last 5 are all Meta tag Hacks, that give your forum relative meta tags, or let you make meta tags for your pages in your ACP.

  9. I'm trying to learn to do some advanced stuff with php, and wondered if anyone here would be able to give me some tips and ideas for learning it. I already know basic php like echo "text";$variableif...elseswitchdate("D")loopsetc...But I want to learn some really big stuff so I can make some nice phpBB Hacks.If anyone can give me some pointers or help me find some advanced tutorials or guides, or some methods of learning it would help alot!!!Thank-you! :-)

  10. You should try Gozing surveys, I've made $8.00 dollars PayPal already, and was paid. You take surveys, you usually get 2-3 of them a dayand mak about $1.00. The only problem is you either need a paypal account (I use my friends because he's old enough to get one, I have another month to wait :D) I'm earning up to buy a domain from https://de.godaddy.com/. You can also get payed in Napster songs or Buy.com Money.
    You really should try it. Or you could make money online by making people Web Site Layouts.
    Or there is installing forum software or forum hacks for people. Or you can put ad on your site. There are alot of ways to make money online. Just don't try anything that seems fishy or unlikely.

  11. My favorite MMORG is City Of Heroes. I like the customizational features. I also really like the updates, and the size of it. It's really fun, I like designing my Super-Heroe's costume, and choosing my different powers out of the many powers available. It's got alot of great things like Super-Groups, the new villains one looks good too, it's has the ability to make a Super-Base/Hide-out! It's also going to use the same world as City Of Heroes, so people playing City of Heroes can play against those using City Of Villains.I can't wait till it comes out!My second favorit MMORG is Halo 2, I really like it, is fun and stuff, I don't know what else to say. I hope in the next Halo they incorporate a extremely massive online war-ish thing where the whole online game becomes a war, and you chose sides and there are all sorts of battlles, that would be cool. :D

  12. Here are some tips you might find usefull for phpBB 2.

    First I recommend you install the hack to remove SID's, this will make it possible for search engines to index your site.

    Next I reccomend you Install this hack. https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=200361

    You should also install this hack https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=152036

    You should also install the following hacks.






    You should also create a robots.txt and use it to keep it from going to pages like groupcp.php unless you want it to...

  13. phpBB is good for a 100% free forum that you can get premoddified versions of. You really can't compare it to IPS's IPB or Jelsoft's VBulliten. The people working on phpBB have jobs, they make their program for free. The people working on IPB and VBulliten are paid, they can spend hours and hours working on super-boards. If the phpBB staff didn't have to work they would probably have better software.I think phpBB is great, the exploits are usually fixed within a day after an exploit or bug is fixed, and sometimes they fix them before any exploits are discovered.

  14. That is insane! $200,000.00 for a single flight? :D How long is this flight. Is it really safe to send someone up into space, surely they would need to go through some training? These spaceships would have to be extremely well-designed and hi-tech to make them comercial quality, NASA would have been able to apply some of the elements of comercial quality to make the journey more bearable for the Astonauts surely. I don't see how Virgin would be able to make something more advanced than them. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he can pay off some reall genius's to make his spaceships, but..... I just don't think they will be safe for travel.

    Not to mention the massive waste of fuel so some rich people can go to the Moon... It's the kind of thing we should be avoiding, not having in our future sight! It's an outrage, it's a waste of money and natural resources, what happened to saving them? I mean the concept is great and all, but unless you'r taking them to live up in space don't botherl... :D

  15. AJAX is Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a programming langauge quickly becomming VERY popular with many web programmers. I'm not sure if this host has it, but if it doesn't they should get it, it is being heavily used in many web applications such ave the new VBulliten and new IPB. It's available for free download at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    I really don't know alot about it myself, but it seems quite simple and is supposed to be very powerful. Every script starts with an [Ajax.AjaxMethod] I believe.
    I think what it does is it uses XML to run JavaScript programs.
    I'm not sure, but I was wondering if anyone else knew anything about AJAX they could share?

  16. Thank you for posting this. Are SQL Injections what cause all of the phpBB exploits? I know it was something like that. I really like phpBB boards, I'm trying to learn php more advance than whay I know already, which is basic things like.echo "Text Here";date("D")if...elseswitch$variableetc...I want to make some really great phpBB hacks, I've been looking at the phpBB code for a while now, I think if I can understand everything in it I should be doing alright. I'll also know the structure of the software and how it works, that should help me make some modifications for it.

  17. Its terrible. I hold them a good amount at blame though, Ive seen them let little kids several inches under the height requirements onto rides like Space Mountain. Even if the riders where all tall enough I still think Disney needs to start taking more precaution with their rides. They seem to think they are above safety in most places, they really do skip around when it comes to safety.

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