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Posts posted by melkonianarg

  1. skype is great...i used it on windows, but now i am just using gaim from linux...and this has support for most messenger services, i.e. msn yahoo icq and gmailtalk...but unfortunately, you cannot use a mic and talk to people using this software...but i think tey may add this feature soon, because it is very much needed nowadays...people working from home on linux boxes trying to make conference calls etc...there must be some standalone software for linux that allows you to do that any but so far, i havn't found it. I mya try skype with WINE, but i doubt that it will work...

  2. Umm, I am in a time warp or is everyone just being polite...these mini macs ahve been out for a really long time, they are by no means 'new', although i do admit they are cool, but in true mac style, they lack a monitor built in...but for the price, does it really matter? If i had the money to spend on a mac, i would definately just go out and buy a 20" imac..and i would be content for a long time...they are wonderful, in every sense...power, design, and stability...all great

  3. I only ever won something when i was about 12...i entered an art competition, i.e. send a drawing...it was for the funday times i think, or something like that...it was a pic of daffy duck, and i won a pair of rollar-blades...i still got them, but they dont fit. I have a friend though that went to a NEW YORK nicks game, and won an ipod...becuase he got the expensive seats, so he was in the stands that actually had a chance, like courtside....he always has really good fortune and mine stinks...

  4. Iit is not really ready for visitors yet, and once i get enough forum credits i will be applying for package 2 so i can host it with Xisto, at the moment it is with profusehost.com which in my opinion is not nearly as pleasant an environment...any, the site is basically a directory (or will be) of making money programs, and these will be my categories:

    paid to play
    paid to surf
    paid to refer
    paid to take surveys
    paid to search
    paid to sign-up

    IS that all my bases covered?

    Please do reply in this thread to recommend anything to include in my website, and do also keep check the url http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to see when it is up and running...and tell me what you think of it, thanks


    P.S. When everything is running, i may also advertise on this forum ,'making money', if Aanyone wants their links swapped, or someone belongs to a site that needs referrals, i can include your banner on my ad rotator for a really small fee...more details to come on that, thanks again...

  5. Well, personally, if i were on windows and cared at all, :) I would not use either of these:

    It's time for a change
    Stop what you're doing, find shelter and call your mom, because Quintessential Player 4.50 has arrived. This new version brings you closer to your music then ever before. Stop letting your media player push you around, take control with Quintessential's new and improved arsenal of features.

    QCD is still all about you. With its new extended freeform skinning engine and plethora of feature extending plugins Quintessential Player can be whatever you want it to be.

    Most importantly you can take control of your listening experience for FREE. How is this possible you ask? It just is. Don't let the price fool you, there are no Pro versions, cripples, nags or spyware. Quintessential is here to be enjoyed without any catches.

    For more information take the Quintessential Tour!

    This is the player I used before i started to use gentoo linux, and now I use xmms and mplayer, both superior to anything like winmediaplayer....

    The best feature of this player is definately its quick loading and skins...awsum

  6. I use gentoo on my laptop and, i am sorry to say, windows on my desktop, but the other people in my household need to use the desktop so i need something VERY user friendly for that, hehe hence windows...although i dont see the problem with KDE or GNOME on gentoo if i just defaulted the boot directly into KDM which is what i do on my laptop anyway...maybe i will do that some day...

  7. Also to answer the question 'is it free?', well yes and no...Many very good linux distros do infact come at a price, like redhat or suse, but then again, some dont like ubuntu debian gentoo to name but some...For the person that said setting up gentoo was a lengthy proccess, I would have to ask the question : What part, installing or getting hardware and internet to work after install? The install was generally problem free and I was able to do it within a day...getting a GUI setup and everything after that took me closer to 4-5 days, but i learnt so much it was unimaginable, so if you wan to learn about linux, and be able to use your OS from the command line like me, please do try gentoo...but if not stick with ubuntu, or something like that...hope that covers some of the questions asked...regards,melkonianarg

  8. Well, if any light is strong enough there will be a small amount of refraction anyway, i.e. th elight will bend and bounce off other materials such as the ground and walls...the only answer I can give is this...There is no light, or lack of light, where what you call a 'shadow' is, because there is an object blocking the light from reflecting off the ground...therefore, because of your arguements above, we cannot actually call the 'shadow' a shoadow, because nothing is casting it...it just so happens that light cannot reach the spot where the pole and the mans shodow would usuallyy be cast...How is that for an answer? (It may be a little hard to follow, sorry, but it was flowing from my mind and i didn't want to have to re-write for perposes of actually making sense! :) )

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