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Cakephp - Upload 5 Images

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I have got a question and sorry for my bad englisch at first!
I want to make an Upload with CakePHP, which has to work with the MySQL. But I made something wrong, that just one image can be uploaded and I don't find the mistake. In google and in the forum I don't find anything that could help me. As well this is a new topic for me, that I hope anybody can help me...

In the MySQL I made this fiels in the table ads:

-img_type, img1_type, img2_type, img3_type, img4_type and data_type

My ads_contoller.php looks like this:

<?phpclass AdsController extends AppController {var $name = 'Ads';var $components = array("obAuth");var $uses = array('Category', 'User', 'Subcategory', 'Ad', 'Setting', 'Invoice', 'Banner');</P><P> function index(){  $this->set('categories', $this->Category->findall() );  $category = $this->Category->findbyid($_GET['id']);  $this->set('categoryname', $category['Category']['name_german']);  $subcategory = $this->Subcategory->findallbycat_id($_GET['id']);  $this->set('subcategories', $subcategory);}</P><P>/** Adding ads* Create: 12.07.2007* TODO:*/function add(){  $this->obAuth->lock(array(1,2)); //User logged in?</P><P>  $settings_commercial = $this->Setting->findbyname('commercial');  $this->set('settings_commercial', $settings_commercial['Setting']['value']);  $settings_commercial_value = $settings_commercial['Setting']['value'];</P><P>  $settings_Price_yellowbg = $this->Setting->findbyname('Price_yellowbg');  $this->set('settings_Price_yellowbg', $settings_Price_yellowbg['Setting']['value']);  $settings_Price_yellowbg_value = $settings_Price_yellowbg['Setting']['value'];</P><P>  $settings_Price_top = $this->Setting->findbyname('Price_top');  $this->set('settings_Price_top', $settings_Price_top['Setting']['value']);  $settings_Price_top_value = $settings_Price_top['Setting']['value'];</P><P>  $settings_Price_ad = $this->Setting->findbyname('Price_ad');  $this->set('settings_Price_ad', $settings_Price_ad['Setting']['value']);  $settings_Price_ad_value = $settings_Price_ad['Setting']['value'];</P><P>  // Validate Form  if(isset($this->data['Ad']))     {</P><P>   if (empty($this->data['Ad']['subcat_id']) or empty($this->data['Ad']['title']))   {    $this->set("error","1");   }   else   {    //MySQL inserts    if($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])    { 	switch ( $_FILES['file']['type'] )      {   	case "image/gif":        $this->data['Ad']['img_type'] = "gif";   	break;      case "image/jpeg":        $this->data['Ad']['img_type'] = "jpeg";   	break;   	case "image/png":        $this->data['Ad']['img_type'] = "png";   	break;   	case "image/jpg":        $this->data['Ad']['img_type'] = "jpg";   	break;   	default:        $this->data['Ad']['img_type'] = "";   	break;      }//end switch    }//end if        if($_FILES['file3']['tmp_name'])    { 	switch ( $_FILES['file3']['type'] )      {      case "image/gif":        $this->data['Ad']['img1_type'] = "gif";   	break;      case "image/jpeg":        $this->data['Ad']['img1_type'] = "jpeg";   	break;   	case "image/png":        $this->data['Ad']['img1_type'] = "png";   	break;   	case "image/jpg":        $this->data['Ad']['img1_type'] = "jpg";   	break;      }//end switch    }//end if        if($_FILES['file4']['tmp_name'])    { 	switch ( $_FILES['file4']['type'] )      {   	case "image/gif":        $this->data['Ad']['img2_type'] = "gif";   	break;      case "image/jpeg":        $this->data['Ad']['img2_type'] = "jpeg";   	break;   	case "image/png":        $this->data['Ad']['img2_type'] = "png";   	break;   	case "image/jpg":        $this->data['Ad']['img2_type'] = "jpg";   	break;      }//end switch    }//end if</P><P>    if($_FILES['file2']['tmp_name'])    { 	switch ( $_FILES['file2']['type'] )      {   	case "application/msword":   	$this->data['Ad']['data_type'] = "doc";   	break;      case "application/pdf":   	$this->data['Ad']['data_type'] = "pdf";   	break;   	default:        $this->data['Ad']['data_type'] = "";   	break;      }//end switch    }//end if</P><P>    $this->data['Ad']['startdate'] = date("d M Y", time());    $this->data['Ad']['content'] = strip_tags($this->data['Ad']['content']);//Kein HTML    $users_id = $_SESSION['mYpERsOnALhaSHkeY']['User']['id'];    $this->data['Ad']['user_id'] = $users_id;    $this->Ad->save($this->data['Ad']);    $last_id = $this->Ad->getLastInsertId();</P><P>    //and file upload    $root = WWW_ROOT;</P><P>    if($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) 	{      switch ( $_FILES['file']['type'] )      {   	case "image/gif":      move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $root."upload/".$last_id.".gif");        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id.".gif", 0755);   	break;      case "image/jpeg":        $this->gd_resize($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "jpeg", $last_id);        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $root."upload/".$last_id."_full.jpeg");        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id.".jpeg", 0755);        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id."_full.jpeg", 0755);   	break;   	case "image/png":        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $root."upload/".$last_id."_full.png");        copy($root."upload/".$last_id."_full.png",  $root."upload/".$last_id.".png");        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id."_full.png", 0755);        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id.".png", 0755);   	break;   	default:        $this->set("error","2"); //File not allowed   	break;      } 	}</P><P>    if(isset($_FILES['file2']['tmp_name'])) 	{      switch ( $_FILES['file2']['type'] )      {   	case "application/msword":        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file2']['tmp_name'], $root."upload/".$last_id.".doc");        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id.".doc", 0755);   	break;      case "application/pdf":        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file2']['tmp_name'], $root."upload/".$last_id.".pdf");        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id.".pdf", 0755);   	break;   	default:        $this->set("error","2"); //File not allowed   	break;      } 	}        if(isset($_FILES['file3']['tmp_name'])) 	{      switch ( $_FILES['file3']['type'] )      {   	case "image/jpg":        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file3']['tmp_name'], $root."upload/".$last_id.".jpg");        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id.".jpg", 0755);   	break;      case "image/gif":        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file3']['tmp_name'], $root."upload/".$last_id.".gif");        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id.".gif", 0755);   	break;   	default:        $this->set("error","2"); //File not allowed   	break;      } 	}        if(isset($_FILES['file4']['tmp_name'])) 	{      switch ( $_FILES['file4']['type'] )      {   	case "image/jpg":        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file3']['tmp_name'], $root."upload/".$last_id.".jpg");        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id.".jpg", 0755);   	break;      case "image/gif":        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file3']['tmp_name'], $root."upload/".$last_id.".gif");        chmod ($root."upload/".$last_id.".gif", 0755);   	break;   	default:        $this->set("error","2"); //File not allowed   	break;      } 	}</P><P> 	//Not defined checkboxes check    if (!isset($this->data['Ad']['topcat']))    { 	$this->data['Ad']['topcat'] = "n";    }    if (!isset($this->data['Ad']['bgyellow']))    { 	$this->data['Ad']['bgyellow'] = "n";    }</P><P> 	/*  	* Invoice  	*/ 	if($settings_commercial_value == "1") 	{ 	$total_price = $settings_Price_ad_value; 	if($this->data['Ad']['topcat'] == "j") 	{      $total_price = $settings_Price_top_value + $total_price; 	}</P><P> 	if($this->data['Ad']['bgyellow'] == "j") 	{      $total_price = $settings_Price_yellowbg_value + $total_price; 	} 	$username = $_SESSION['mYpERsOnALhaSHkeY']['User']['username']; 	$sql_invoices = array('Invoice' => array('user_id' => $users_id, 'price' => $total_price, 'ad_id' => $last_id, 'username' => $username)); 	$this->Invoice->save($sql_invoices);</P><P> 	$from_mail = $this->Setting->findbyname('Mailsender'); 	$from_mail = $from_mail['Setting']['value']; 	// Send E-Mail ------------------------------------------ 	//Headers 	$headers = ""; 	$headers .= "From: <".$from_mail.">\n"; 	$headers .= "Reply-To: <".$from_mail.">\n"; 	$headers .= "Return-Path: <".$from_mail.">\n";	// these two to set reply address 	$headers .= "Message-ID: <<A href="mailto:TheSystem@".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].">\n">TheSystem@".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].">\n</A>"; 	$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP v".phpversion()."\n";</P><P> 	$this->set("price",$total_price); 	ob_start(); 	$this->render(null, 'email_invoice', null); //render /app/views/layouts/smarty/email_invoice.tpl 	$msg = ob_get_clean();</P><P> 	//Sending Mail</P><P> 	mail($username, "Rechnung", $msg, $headers);</P><P> 	}    $this->redirect('/users'); //At the End show the User another Page   }     }</P><P>  $this->set('categories', $this->Category->findall());  $subcategory = $this->Subcategory->findall();  $this->set('subcategories', $subcategory);  $newsubcategory = array();  $testarray = array();  $counter = 0;  foreach ($subcategory as $out)  {   $cat_id = $out['Subcategory']['cat_id'];   $out_id = $out['Subcategory']['id'];   $out_german = $out['Subcategory']['name_german'];   $newsubcategory[$cat_id][$counter]['id'] = $out_id;   $newsubcategory[$cat_id][$counter]['name_german'] = $out_german;   $counter++;  }  $this->set('newsubcategories', $newsubcategory);  $settings_pdf_upload = $this->Setting->findbyname('PDF_Upload');  $this->set('settings_upload', $settings_pdf_upload['Setting']['value']);}</P><P> function admin_delete($id){  $this->obAuth->lock(array(2)); //Only Admin  $this->Ad->del($id);  $this->redirect('/'); //At the End show the User another Page}</P><P>function view($id){  $this->set('categories', $this->Category->findall());  $ad_content = $this->Ad->findbyid($id);  $this->set('ads_first', $ad_content);  $users_id = $ad_content['Ad']['user_id'];  $this->set('users_info', $this->User->findbyid($users_id));            	//Banner-Code start------------------------------------------------            	$banners = $this->Banner->findAllByactive('1');            	$rows = $this->Banner->getAffectedRows();            	if ($rows >= 1)            	{                    	$random_number =rand(0,$rows);                    	if ($random_number != 0)                    	{                            	$random_number = $random_number-1 ;                    	}                    	$this->set('banners_header', $banners[$random_number]);                    	$sql = array();                    	$sql['Banner']['id'] = $banners[$random_number]['Banner']['id'];                    	$sql['Banner']['shows'] = $banners[$random_number]['Banner']['shows'] + 1;                    	if ($banners[$random_number]['Banner']['max_shows'] == $banners[$random_number]['Banner']['shows'])                    	{                            	$sql['Banner']['active'] = "0";                    	}                    	$this->Banner->save($sql['Banner']);            	}            	else            	{                    	$this->set('banners_header', '');            	}            	//Banner-Code end--------------------------------------------------</P><P>}</P><P> function contact($id){  $this->set('categories', $this->Category->findall());  $ad_content = $this->Ad->findbyid($id);  $this->set('ads_first', $ad_content);  $users_id = $ad_content['Ad']['user_id'];  $this->set('users_info', $this->User->findbyid($users_id));</P><P>  if(isset($this->data['contact']))  {   if (empty($this->data['contact']['name']) or empty($this->data['contact']['email']) or empty($this->data['contact']['text'])    	or $_SESSION['captcha_spam'] != $this->data['contact']['capture'])   {    $this->set("error","1");   }   else   { 	//$from_mail = $this->Setting->findbyname('Mailsender'); 	//$from_mail = $from_mail['Setting']['value']; 	$from_mail = $this->data['contact']['email']; 	// Send E-Mail ------------------------------------------ 	//Headers 	$headers = ""; 	$headers .= "From: <".$from_mail.">\n"; 	$headers .= "Reply-To: <".$from_mail.">\n"; 	$headers .= "Return-Path: <".$from_mail.">\n";	// these two to set reply address 	$headers .= "Message-ID: <<A href="mailto:TheSystem@".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].">\n">TheSystem@".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].">\n</A>"; 	$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP v".phpversion()."\n";</P><P> 	$contact_name = $this->data['contact']['name']; 	$contact_email = $this->data['contact']['email']; 	$contact_text = $this->data['contact']['text']; 	$this->set("contact_name",$contact_name); 	$this->set("contact_email",$contact_email); 	$this->set("contact_text",$contact_text); 	ob_start(); 	$this->render(null, 'email_contact', null); //render /app/views/layouts/smarty/email_invoice.tpl 	$msg = ob_get_clean();</P><P> 	$username = $this->User->findbyid($users_id); 	$username = $username['User']['username']; 	//Sending Mail 	$betreff = $this->data['contact']['betreff']; 	mail($username, $betreff, $msg, $headers); 	$this->redirect('/ads/view/'.$id); //At the End show the User another Page   }  }  //Captcha Code            	$root = WWW_ROOT;            	$dest_file = $root."upload/captcha_bild.png";    $text = $this->randomString(4);  //Die Zahl bestimmt die Anzahl stellen  $_SESSION['captcha_spam'] = $text;  $img = ImageCreateFromPNG($root.'/captcha/captcha.png'); //Backgroundimage  $color = ImageColorAllocate($img, 0, 0, 0); //Farbe  $ttf = $root."/captcha/XFILES.TTF"; //Schriftart  $ttfsize = 25; //Schriftgrösse  $angle = rand(0,5);  $t_x = rand(5,30);  $t_y = 35;  imagettftext($img, $ttfsize, $angle, $t_x, $t_y, $color, $ttf, $text);  imagepng($img, $dest_file);  imagedestroy($img); }</P><P> function gd_resize($file_source, $type, $last_id){  $root = WWW_ROOT;  $max_size = 200;  $dest_file = $root."upload/".$last_id.".".$type;   	// set output file  $image_file = $file_source;   	// set source file  $size = getimagesize($image_file);   	// get original size  //print_r ($size);  if($size[0] > $size[1]) {	$divisor = $size[0] / $max_size;  }  else {	$divisor = $size[1] / $max_size;  }   	// to get allways pictures of the same size, which ist   	// mostly wanted in imageviewers, look what ist larger:   	// width or height</P><P>  $new_width = $size[0] / $divisor;  $new_height = $size[1] / $divisor;   	// set new sizes</P><P>  settype($new_width, 'integer');  settype($new_height, 'integer');   	// sizes should be integers  switch ( $type )  {	case 'jpeg':   $image_big = imagecreatefromjpeg($image_file);   break;	case 'gif':   $image_big = imagecreatefromgif($image_file);     break;  }  // New Image with white background and box  $image_small = imagecreatetruecolor(110, 80);  $farbe_body = imagecolorallocate ( $image_small, 255, 255, 255 );  imagefill ( $image_small, 0, 0, $farbe_body );</P><P>  $farbe_b = imagecolorallocate ( $image_small, 186, 186, 186 );  imageline ( $image_small, 0, 0, 110, 0, $farbe_b );  imageline ( $image_small, 0, 0, 0, 80, $farbe_b );  imageline ( $image_small, 109, 0, 109, 80, $farbe_b );  imageline ( $image_small, 0, 79, 110, 79, $farbe_b );    // Resize Image  if ($new_width >= $new_height)  {   imagecopyresampled($image_small, $image_big, 0,0, 0,0, 110,80, $size[0],$size[1]);  }  else  {   imagecopyresampled($image_small, $image_big, 25,0, 0,0, 60, 80, $size[0],$size[1]);  }  imagedestroy($image_big);   	// the original data are no longer used</P><P>  switch ( $type )  {	case 'jpeg':   imagejpeg($image_small, $dest_file, 100);	break;	case 'gif':  	imagejpeg($image_small, $dest_file);	break;  }}</P><P> // Captcha Function RandomStringfunction randomString($len) {  srand($this->make_seed());                 		  //Der String $possible enthält alle Zeichen, die verwendet werden sollen  $possible="ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ23456789";  $str="";  while(strlen($str)<$len)   {   $str.=substr($possible,(rand()%(strlen($possible))),1);  }  return($str);}</P><P> function make_seed(){  list($usec , $sec) = explode (' ', microtime());  return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000);}</P><P>}?>

and this is my add.tpl with the <input> code:

<tr><td valign="top">Foto hinzufügen</td><td>  <input type="hidden" value="500000" name="max_file_size" />  <input type="file" style="width: 250px;" name="file" /><br/>  <input type="hidden" value="500000" name="max_file_size" />  <input type="file" style="width: 250px;" name="file3" /><br/>  <input type="hidden" value="500000" name="max_file_size" />  <input type="file" style="width: 250px;" name="file4" /><br/>  <font color="#888888">nur GIF-, JPG- und PNG-Bilder mit max. 200 KB</font></td></tr></P><P>{if $settings_upload == "1"}<tr><td valign="top">Weitere Anlage</td><td>  <input type="hidden" value="500000" name="max_file_size" />  <input type="file" style="width: 250px;" name="file2" /><br/>  <font color="#888888">nur PDF- und DOC-Dokumente mit max. 200 KB</font></td></tr>{/if}

I really hope, that somebody knows whats wrong here or if I have forget something.

Best regards
Edited by regi (see edit history)

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