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Having A Fixed Layout.

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If you mean so it always stretches, just set the width values to percents, such as 100%. It can be anywhere from 1-100%

Say There is a menu at the side, a menu on the right, and the main bit in the middle.

I want the two bits on the sides to be fixed there all the time.

I want them to stay there when i go to another link on my site, I want them to stay there when I scroll down and up.

How can I do this? Which code is it? Are there any other threads on here that will support this?

Thanks for any help given.

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Well, you can make them each different frames? I would explain this, but it's too long lol, and I'm too tired to explain it any good. Look in the tutorials section for a tutorial on creating Frames.What they will allow you to do is make the right and left different frames, which are kind of like miniature browsers almost, where it takes another page and adds it. You can make the right and left have no scroll. Then, you just make the middle scrollable.I hope that helps any, did I make any sense? lol. If not, could some1 else to explain better for me? :)

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Yri you have the layouts mixed up Fixed layouts used absolute values and positions, which means all your hieghts and width's will be in either px or em's. What your describing is a liquid layout that adapts to the a users screen resolution either 800x600 to 1920x1200 (thats my resolution).

Example of a Fixed layout coding

HTMLheight="700px"width="900px"CSSheight: 700px;width:900px;

If you use percentages like 100% it will match against the browsers settings and either shrink or enlarge depending on the resolution. Fixed layout are usually done by layout that have been sliced in adobe photoshop or websites that off very little content and are used for promotional needs.

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Ya, I'm still waking up :)But you don't have to add px at the end of the value. I never do, just seems like a waste of time....and bandwidth lol. Wow, I sound lazy and cheap.Well, the books I read never even mentioned px, so I guess I got into a bad habit, but it doesn't matter either way :/Or, is it required in CSS? Because I will usually see it like that in CSS..never custom made any, just learned from editing templates.

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Hows this code for the main page -


<html><head><title>My Page</title></head><frameset rows="100,*" border=0 frameborder=0 framespacing=0><frame src="http://glwebstuff.trap17.com/top.htm" NAME="top" scrolling="no"><frameset cols="160,*" border=0 frameborder=0 framespacing=0><frame src="/left.htm" name="leftside" scrolling="no"><frame src="/right.htm" name="rightside"></frameset></frameset><body></body><noframes><body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF">Hi and welcome to GL Web Stuff.<br>Unfortunately, your browser is not allowing you to view our website properly.  We use a framed layout which your browser is blocking.<br>In order to view this website better, please look into unblocking this.<br><br>Here is the main content that you would find on our page.<br><a href="/contact.html">Contact Us</a><br><br><a href="/right.html">HTML Scripts</a><br><a href="/javascript.html">Javascript Scripts</a><br><a href="/php.html">PHP Scripts</a><br><a href="/perl.html">Perl Scrips</a><br><br><a href="/webtools.html">Web Tools</a><br><a href="/forum.html">Forum</a><br><a href="/send.html">Send Us Your Script</a><br></noframes></html>

And then on the /left.htm page, the code for the links are -


<a href="/index.htm" target="rightside">Home</a>

so that when the link is clicked, it appears on the right side of the frame.



Is that all correct or does some of it need tweaking?

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Ok I am not really experienced at this but I think the best way to do it is by using frames. Make two frames on the sides and link to them in every page you make, and the middle part will be for the content (about 60% of the page width) I think that will do it. And just in case, try to find some tutorials about this (use google) or check this site out: http://www.w3schools.com/ you might find what you need... good luck :D

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