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C/c++ Simple Machine Problems

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here are some of the c/c++ machine problems . a very simple but helpful/* machine problem 1 usage of scanf*/#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>main(){ char name[10], add[20], schl[30], course[20], tel[20], cp[20], nationality[20], bday[20], pbirth[20], licno[20], sssno[20], sex[5]; char fname[20], mname[20], foccu[20], moccu[20], mbday[20], fbday[20]; int age, fage, mage; clrscr(); gotoxy(35,2); printf("Bio-Data"); //your information gotoxy(10,4); printf("Name: "); scanf("%s",&name); gotoxy(10,5); printf("Age: "); scanf("%d",&age); gotoxy(28,5); printf("Birtday: "); scanf("%s",&bday); gotoxy(50,5); printf("Sex: "); scanf("%s",&sex); gotoxy(10,6); printf("Address: "); scanf("%s",&schl); gotoxy(10,7); printf("Telephone #: "); scanf("%s",&tel); gotoxy(34,7); printf("Celphone #: "); scanf("%s",&cp); gotoxy(10,8); printf("School: "); scanf("%s",&schl); gotoxy(50,8);printf("Course: "); scanf("%s",&course); gotoxy(10,9); printf("Driver's lic. #: "); scanf("%s",&licno); gotoxy(50,9);printf("SSS #: "); scanf("%s",&sssno); gotoxy(10,10); printf("Place of birth: "); scanf("%s",&pbirth); gotoxy(50,10); printf("Nationality: "); scanf("%s",&nationality); //mother's information gotoxy(10,12); printf("Mother's name: "); scanf("%s",&mname); gotoxy(10,13); printf("Age: "); scanf("%d",&mage); gotoxy(34,13); printf("Birthday: "); scanf("%s",&mbday); gotoxy(10,14); printf("Occupation: "); scanf("%s",&moccu); //father's information gotoxy(10,16); printf("Father's name: "); scanf("%s",&mname); gotoxy(10,17); printf("Age: "); scanf("%d",&mage); gotoxy(34,17); printf("Birthday: "); scanf("%s",&mbday); gotoxy(10,18); printf("Occupation: "); scanf("%s",&moccu); getch(); return 0;}

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/* Machine Problem 2 Grade Computation Based on the philippines Very helpful for teachers */#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>main(){ float q1, q2, quiz, cs, exam, pgrade, mgrade, fgrade, tgrade; clrscr(); //prelim grade gotoxy(5,5); printf("Q1 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&q1); gotoxy(5,7); printf("Q2 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&q2); gotoxy(5,9); printf("CS 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&cs); gotoxy(5,11); printf("Exam 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&exam); quiz = (q1 + q2) / 200 ; pgrade = (quiz * 30) + ((cs / 100) * 30) + ((exam / 100) * 40); gotoxy(5,14); printf("Prelim grade: %.2f",pgrade); //midterm grade gotoxy(30,5); printf("Q1 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&q1); gotoxy(30,7); printf("Q2 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&q2); gotoxy(30,9); printf("CS 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&cs); gotoxy(30,11); printf("Exam 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&exam); quiz = (q1 + q2) / 200 ; mgrade = (quiz * 30) + ((cs / 100) * 30) + ((exam / 100) * 40); gotoxy(30,14); printf("Midterm grade: %.2f",mgrade); //final grade gotoxy(55,5); printf("Q1 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&q1); gotoxy(55,7); printf("Q2 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&q2); gotoxy(55,9); printf("CS 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&cs); gotoxy(55,11); printf("Exam 100pts:"); scanf("%f",&exam); quiz = (q1 + q2) / 200 ; fgrade = (quiz * 30) + ((cs / 100) * 30) + ((exam / 100) * 40); gotoxy(55,14); printf("Final grade: %.2f",fgrade); tgrade = (pgrade * .30) + (mgrade * .30) + (fgrade * .40); gotoxy(30,18); printf("Total Grade: %.2f", tgrade); getch(); return 0;}

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/* Machine Problem 3 Simple payroll system*/#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<ctype.h>main(){ char name[30], pos; float rate, hwrk, gross, bonus, tax, sss, med, tded, net; clrscr(); gotoxy(10,5); printf("Name: "); scanf("%s",&name); gotoxy(30,6); printf("<m> Manager <s> Supervisor <e> Employee"); gotoxy(40,5); printf("Position: "); pos = getch(); pos = tolower(pos); if(pos == 'm') { rate = 500; } else if(pos == 's') { rate = 400; } else if(pos == 'e') { rate = 300; } else { gotoxy(20,11); printf("Invalid entry! Press any key to exit"); getch(); return 0; } gotoxy(10,9); printf("Rate: %.0f", rate); gotoxy(10,11); printf("No. of hours worked: "); scanf("%f",&hwrk); gross = rate * hwrk; gotoxy(10,13); printf("Gross: %.2f",gross); if(gross >= 5000) { bonus = 750; } else if(gross <= 4999 && gross >= 3000) { bonus = 500; } else { bonus = 0.0; } gotoxy(10,14); printf("-----------------"); gotoxy(10,15); printf("Bonus: %.2f",bonus); gotoxy(35,15); printf("Deductions:"); if(gross >= 7000) { tax = gross * 0.15; } else if(gross <= 6999 && gross >= 4000) { tax = gross * 0.10; } else if(gross <= 3999 && gross >= 2000) { tax = gross * 0.05; } else { tax = 00.00; } med = 100; sss = gross * 0.10; tded = tax + sss + med; net = (gross + bonus) - tded; gotoxy(35,16); printf("Tax: %.2f", tax); gotoxy(35,17); printf("SSS: %.2f", sss); gotoxy(35,18); printf("Medicare: %.2f", med); gotoxy(35,19); printf("Total Deduction: %.2f", tded); gotoxy(10,21); printf("Net Income: %.2f", net); getch(); return 0;}

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/* Machine Problem 4 Switch and cases */#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>main(){ float num1, num2, ans; char kp; clrscr(); gotoxy(10,4); printf("First Number: "); scanf("%f",&num1); gotoxy(10,5); printf("Second Number: "); scanf("%f",&num2); gotoxy(10,7); printf("<+> Addition"); gotoxy(10,8); printf("<-> Subtraction"); gotoxy(10,9); printf("<*> Multiplication"); gotoxy(10,10); printf("</> Division"); gotoxy(10,11); printf("Enter your Choice -> [ ]"); gotoxy(32,11); printf(""); kp = getche(); switch(kp) { case '+': ans = num1 + num2; break; case '-': ans = num1 - num2; break; case '*': ans = num1 * num2; break; case '/': ans = num1 / num2; break; default: gotoxy(10,13); printf("Unknown command!"); break; } gotoxy(10,14); printf("The answer is: %.2f",ans); getch(); return 0;}

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/* Machine Problem 5 LOOPINGFor LOOP*/#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>main(){ int a, b, x, y; clrscr(); //1st multiplication table using two "for" loops for(a = 1,y = 6; a <= 10; a++,y++) { for(b = 1, x = 7; b <= 10; b++,x = x + 3) { gotoxy(x,y); printf("%d",a*:D; } } //2nd multiplication table using 1 "for" loop a = 1; b = 1; x = 47; y = 6; for(;:) { gotoxy(x,y); printf("%d", a*:D; if(b == 10) { a++; b = 1; x = 47; y = y + 1; } else { b++; x = x + 3; } if(a > 10) { break; } else {} } getch(); return 0;}

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/*Functions = user define Functions*/#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<ctype.h> void circle(); void triangle(); void rectangle(); void square(); main() { char kp; clrscr(); gotoxy(25,1); printf("A menu for the computation of the"); gotoxy(33,2); printf("area of the ff"); gotoxy(35,5); printf("a) circle "); gotoxy(35,7); printf(":) triangle"); gotoxy(35,9); printf("c) rectangle"); gotoxy(35,11); printf("d) square"); gotoxy(30,15); printf("Entetr your selection:"); kp = getche(); kp = tolower(kp); switch(kp) { case 'a': circle(); break; case 'b': triangle(); break; case 'c': rectangle(); break; case 'd': square(); break; } getch(); return 0; } void circle() { float rad, ac; clrscr(); gotoxy(27,1); printf("Area of a circle: 2?r"); gotoxy(20,5); printf("Enter the radius of the circle: "); scanf("%f",&rad); ac = 2 * 3.1416 * rad; gotoxy(20,7); printf("The are of the circle is: %.3f",ac); gotoxy(27,10); printf("press any key to exit"); } void triangle() { float base, height, at; clrscr(); gotoxy(27,1); printf("Area of a triangle: ?bh"); gotoxy(20,5); printf("Enter the base of the triangle: "); scanf("%f",&base); gotoxy(20,6); printf("Enter the height of the triangle: "); scanf("%f",&height); at = .5 * base * height; gotoxy(20,8); printf("The area of the triangle is: %.2f",at); gotoxy(27,13); printf("press any key to exit"); } void rectangle() { float length, width, ar; clrscr(); gotoxy(27,1); printf("Area of a rectangle: length * width"); gotoxy(20,5); printf("Enter the length of the triangle: "); scanf("%f",&length); gotoxy(20,6); printf("Enter the width of the triangle: "); scanf("%f",&width); ar = length * width; gotoxy(20,8); printf("The area of the triangle is: %.2f", ar); gotoxy(27,13); printf("press any key to exit"); } void square() { float s, as; clrscr(); gotoxy(27,1); printf("Area of a square: s * s"); gotoxy(20,5); printf("Enter one side of the square: "); scanf("%f",&s); as = s * s; gotoxy(20,7); printf("The area of the square is: %.2f", as); gotoxy(27,11); printf("press any key to exit"); }

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/*Another multiplication table*/#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h> main() { int xx[10], yy[10], x, y, xa, ya, xb, yb, a, b, cnt; for(cnt = 1; cnt <=10; cnt++) { xx[cnt] = cnt; } for(cnt = 1; cnt <=10; cnt++) { yy[cnt] = cnt; } clrscr(); gotoxy(30,1); puts("Multiplication Table"); for(;:) { gotoxy(10,3); puts(" "); gotoxy(10,3); printf("X: "); scanf("%d",&x); if(x >= 1 && x <= 10) { break; } else{} } for(;:D { gotoxy(10,4); puts(" "); gotoxy(10,4); printf("Y: "); scanf("%d",&y); if(y >= 1 && y <= 10 ) { break; } else{} } for(xb = 1,a=16; xb <= x; xb++,a=a+4) { gotoxy(a,8); printf("%d",xx[xb]);} for(yb = 1,b=9; yb <= y; yb++,b++) { gotoxy(16,:D; printf("%d",yy[yb]);} for(ya = 1,b=9; ya <= y; ya++,b++) { a = 20; for(xa = 1; xa <= x; xa++, a = a + 4) { gotoxy(a,B); printf("%d",xa*ya);} } getch(); return 0; }

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/*single dimension and 2 dimensional array*/#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<ctype.h> main() { int cnt,y,a; char *prod[10][10], np[10], kp; *prod[0] = "tomatoes"; *prod[1] = "cabbage"; *prod[2] = "potatoes"; *prod[3] = "mangoes"; *prod[4] = "bananas"; *prod[5] = "mushrooms"; *prod[6] = "bananas"; *prod[7] = "papayas"; *prod[8] = "langka"; *prod[9] = "guavas"; for(;:) { clrscr(); gotoxy(17,1); printf("Do you want to (l)ist, ®ead, (w)rite or (q)uit:"); kp = getch(); kp = tolower(kp); switch(kp) { case 'l': clrscr(); for(cnt=0,y=5; cnt <= 9; cnt++,y++) { gotoxy(15,y); printf("product #%d: %s",cnt,*prod[cnt]); } gotoxy(20,20); puts("Press any key to return to main menu"); getch(); break; case 'r': clrscr(); gotoxy(20,5); printf("Enter product code: "); scanf("%d",&a); gotoxy(20,7); printf("Product #: %d ",a); gotoxy(20,8); printf("Product name: %s",*prod[a]); gotoxy(20,15); puts("Press any key to return to main menu"); getch(); break; case 'w': clrscr(); gotoxy(20,5); printf("Enter product code: "); scanf("%d",&a); gotoxy(20,7); printf("Product #:%d Product name: %s",a,*prod[a]); gotoxy(20,9); printf("Enter new product name: "); scanf("%s",&np); strcpy(*prod[a],np); gotoxy(20,11); printf("Successfully changed to: %s", *prod[a]); gotoxy(20,17); puts("Press any key to return to main menu"); getch(); break; case 'q' : exit(0); } } }

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/*input numbers and it will sort it...SORTING*/#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h> float swap(float *a, float *:); main() { float num[12],temp,r_add,r_mul; //counters int trig,cnt,y,cnta,ct; for(cnt=1; cnt <= 10; cnt++) { clrscr(); gotoxy(20,5); printf("Entry # %d: Enter a number:",cnt); scanf("%f",&temp); trig = 1; while(trig) { if(cnt == 1) { num[cnt] = temp; temp = 0; trig = 0; } else if(cnt == 2) { if(num[cnt-1] > temp) { swap(&num[cnt-1],&temp); num[cnt] = temp; } else { num[cnt] = temp; } temp = 0; trig = 0; } else { cnta = cnt - 1; for(ct = 1; ct <= cnta; ct++) { if(num[ct] > temp) { swap(&num[ct],&temp); } else{} } num[cnt] = temp; temp = 0; trig = 0; } } } clrscr(); gotoxy(15,5); puts("ASCENDING ORDER"); for(cnt=1,y=8; cnt <= 10; cnt++,y++) { gotoxy(20,y); printf("%.2f",num[cnt]); } gotoxy(50,5); puts("DECENDING ORDER"); for(cnt=10,y=8; cnt >= 1; cnt--,y++) { gotoxy(55,y); printf("%.2f",num[cnt]); } r_add = 0.0; for(cnt = 1; cnt <= 10; cnt++) { r_add = r_add + num[cnt];} gotoxy(20,20); printf("The sum of the numbers is: %.2f",r_add); r_mul = 1.00; for(cnt = 1; cnt <= 10; cnt++) { r_mul = r_mul * num[cnt];} gotoxy(20,22); printf("The sum of the numbers is: %.2f",r_mul); getch(); return 0; } float swap(float *a, float *:D { float temp; temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; return(*a,*:D; }

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/*Payroll*/#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<ctype.h> main() { struct ret { char name[30]; char add[30]; char stat; float hw; //hours worked float hl; //hours late float loans; float debts; float ded; //dedduction float td; //total deductions float gp; //gross pay float np; //net pay float ret; //retirement pay float sss; float pagibig; float med; //medicare float rph; //rate per hour float oph; //overtime per hour float lph; //late per hour float ot; //overtime in hours float late; //amount of lates float itw; float msal; //basic pay int age; int serv; }; struct ret emp; { clrscr(); gotoxy(5,3); printf("Name: "); scanf("%s",&emp.name); gotoxy(50,3); printf("Age: "); scanf("%d",&emp.age); gotoxy(5,4); printf("Address: "); scanf("%s",&emp.add); gotoxy(5,9); printf("No. of hours worked: "); scanf("%f",&emp.hw); gotoxy(5,10); printf("No. of hours late: "); scanf("%f",&emp.hl); gotoxy(5,11); printf("No. of overtime hours: "); scanf("%f",&emp.ot); gotoxy(5,12); printf("Ammount Loans: "); scanf("%f",&emp.loans); gotoxy(5,13); printf("Ammount of debts: "); scanf("%f",&emp.debts); gotoxy(5,14); printf("No. of years in service: "); scanf("%d",&emp.serv); for(;:) { gotoxy(5,15); printf(" "); gotoxy(5,15); printf("Status (P)mermanent (T)emporary: "); emp.stat = getche(); emp.stat = tolower(emp.stat); if(emp.stat == 'p' || emp.stat == 't') { break; } else{} } emp.sss = 200.00; emp.pagibig = 100.00; emp.med = 100.00; if(emp.stat == 'p') { emp.rph = 50.00; emp.oph = 200.00; emp.lph = 30.00; emp.msal = (emp.rph * emp.hw) + (emp.oph * emp.ot); emp.late = emp.lph * emp.hl; emp.itw = .10 * emp.msal; emp.ded = emp.sss + emp.pagibig + emp.med + emp.itw + emp.late; emp.td = emp.ded + emp.loans + emp.debts; emp.np = emp.msal - emp.td; emp.ret = ((emp.np * 12) * emp.serv) - emp.ded; gotoxy(50,9); puts("Deductions:"); gotoxy(50,10); printf("ITW: %.2f", emp.itw); gotoxy(50,11); printf("Loans: %.2f", emp.loans); gotoxy(50,12); printf("Debts: %.2f", emp.debts); gotoxy(50,13); printf("SSS: %.2f", emp.sss); gotoxy(50,14); printf("Pag-ibig: %.2f", emp.pagibig); gotoxy(50,15); printf("Medicare: %f", emp.med); gotoxy(27,17); printf("Monthly salary: %.3f", emp.np); if(emp.ret <= 00.00) { emp.ret = 00.00; gotoxy(10,21); puts("Sorry, you cannot avail your retirement benefit at this moment"); } gotoxy(27,18); printf("Retirement Benefit: %.3f", emp.ret); } else { emp.rph = 45.00; emp.oph = 150.00; emp.lph = 30.00; emp.msal = (emp.rph * emp.hw) + (emp.oph * emp.ot); emp.late = emp.lph * emp.hl; emp.itw = .10 * emp.msal; emp.ded = emp.sss + emp.pagibig + emp.med + emp.itw + emp.late; emp.td = emp.ded + emp.loans + emp.debts; emp.np = emp.msal - emp.td; emp.ret = 00.00; gotoxy(50,9); puts("Deductions:"); gotoxy(50,10); printf("ITW: %.2f", emp.itw); gotoxy(50,11); printf("Loans: %.2f", emp.loans); gotoxy(50,12); printf("Debts: %.2f", emp.debts); gotoxy(50,13); printf("SSS: %.2f", emp.sss); gotoxy(50,14); printf("Pag-ibig: %.2f", emp.pagibig); gotoxy(50,15); printf("Medicare: %f", emp.med); gotoxy(27,17); printf("Monthly salary: %.3f", emp.np); gotoxy(27,18); printf("Retirement Benefit: %.3f", emp.ret); gotoxy(18,21); puts("Sorry, you cannot avail your retirement benefit"); } } getch(); return 0; }

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