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Hosting Removal

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If i ask to remove my hosting account, and i happen to want it back in the future (i know i will after i get things sorted out), will i be able to get my account with the same level of hosting back?I know my files and everything will be delelted but thats not what im asking about.I need to know that once i want the hosting back, will i get back the same pacakge or will i have to work for it again?

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You would have to work for enough credits to get the package you want.I remember seeing someplace that if you have hosting and you ask for it to be deleted they will delete it but then you need to get the required credit to get hosting back. All your doing is basically requesting hosting like you would have when you first came here. you would still need the required hosting credits.

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You will have to work for it again. An example of this would be badinfluence. That person was away for a while, and when he or she came back, he/she had to post all over again to gain the amount of credits needed for his/her desired package. :)

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If you think you are going to be gone for a month or two you can post until you have 30 to 35 hosting credits, that way your acount will not be deleted until 60 to 65 days from now. And if you in that time have the opertunity to stop in and post a post or two you will extend that timerange. I don't know the exact formula but I know that with negative or credits below 30 you get more hosting credits for a post than for the same post after 30 hosting credits. If you think you are going to be active again I think this is the easiest way for you keep the account. I'm not recommending it but it's a solution if you have a lot other stuff going on that prevent you from active participation here.to to get from negative 29 to 4 hosting credits is easier than to get from 0 to 30 :) Another option is to buy some hosting credits so you can keep the account. We have this option for members that have gone in the hospital or for other reasons that prevent them from posting for a period of time. Nils

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IF you really have a bad time and you cannot come online. I can understand. I keep this POST as a proof. If your hosting account gets deleted and you want to join back, you will get your regular account.

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ok thank you, i cant keep up with my site, or anything that i have right now, plus my cable is being shut off, so theres quite a few reasons i cant, thanks for the help.

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