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Minimum Traffic Required To Become "successful" Cpm Publisher The emphasis is on SUCCESSFUL

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There are a lot of CPM programs out there, which don't have any traffic limit to approve websites. Almost all of them say that they provide the best CPM rates and the publisher will be able to make a handsome amount of money with them. They might be right in their sayings but I have a sort of customized question for you folks.


What minimum amount of traffic should my website have to make me a successful CPM Publisher?


I am trying to emphasize on being successful. Anyone with a website based on legitimate content (or even website with illegal content) can successfully qualify for some CPM network. Those networks provide the codes for ads which the publisher runs on his website, and soon the ads start to appear. Upto this point, everything seems fine, but when most publishers check their stats to see what they have earned, they become very disappointed. That is what occurs commonly.


I have a medical related website and currently I am getting about 2K pageview per day on average. On some good days I would reach 3.5K, while on other cold days, I would get only 1.5 K. So the average is about 2-2.5K per day. I run Google adsense ads on my webiste exclusively, which are performing quite nicely. Whenever I try to do some research about adsense, I find a lot of people complaining about it. Most of them say that they don't generate enough revenues, the primary cause being low CTR, CPM or both. But for my website, the ads are performing quite nicely. Although I have a lower than average CTR and not the highest CPM, but I am happy with these ads. One of the potential reasons, for adsense to perform nicely on my website, according to my knowledge, is that more than 70% of the traffic to my website comes from search engines. And as we know that such traffic tend to click on ads much more than those who visit a website again and again. But still the CTR is a bit on the lower side, the primary reason of which according to my research is that the ads are not very closely related to the content of the website. On some days, when I get some closely related ads (when some advertiser related to my niche performs an adwords campaign) the website performs brilliantly and both the CTR and CPC rise to a healthy value. On other days they are just average and below average but I am happy for them.


About three weeks ago, I tried to increase the revenues generated by my website by adding CPM ads in addition to the current google adsense ads. I applied for Infinity Ads, which seem to be the middle range advertising company. They approved my application and provided my with codes fro different sizes of ads. I placed three ad unit on my website, in addition to the current three adsense units and hoped that the earnings would increase. I did realize that some of my clicks would go from adsense ads to the infinity ads, resulting in lower adsense earnings, but I hoped that the loss will be more than compensated by the revenues I would get from the infinity ads.


After one day, when I checked the stats, I was very disappointed. The adsense earnings dropped by more than 40%, mainly because of drop in the CTR and almost all of those clicks were received by the infinity ads. The conversion ratio was very good, 44% to be exact. The total impressions I made were more than 6000 (all ad units combined) but when I saw the money I made, I was very angry. I made only $0.18. After that, I quickly removed the all the CPM ads and set up for adsense only.


Now my question here is that CPM is a successful type of advertisement, without any doubt, but how much impressions the website must have to make CPM earning comparable to those of CPC. According to my research, the more traffic a website has, the better quality ads it will recieve and consequently, the earnings per thousand impressions will be greater. So if a website's pageviews increases from for instance 5k to 10k (100% increase), the total revenues generated from CPM advertisement will increase by more than 100%. The same rule may also apply to CPC ads but is not so prominent there.


So how much traffic should a website get so that the income of CPM becomes comparable to income from CPC both based on per thousand impressions?

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