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I'm sure you guys get a lot of this, but regardless, I must know! :mellow: I'm interested in making a game in the vein of Alien Adoption Agency, so an online multiplayer game, mainly text based with no graphics other than a few imagines of my own. I'm not experienced in coding at all and my time is limited these days (but I want a hobby, you know?).Is there any particular software than I can use to do this?Thanks!P.S. I'm aware of the fact that 1. it may be difficult, 2. there are many text based games out there, 3. I wont make money from it, etc. but im cool with that :P im doing it for me.

Edited by Dikki (see edit history)

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Hi,what do you exactly mean by text based mmo game ?do you mean something like ogame ?if it's the case well i don't think such software exist, however it won't be difficult for you to learn how to program it yourself (html + php).

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