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How Do You Think People See You?

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Okay...we did this in school last semester. You're suppose to write something about yourself but make it as if you are an outsider or an onlooker. A sort of third person autobiography...here's what I came up with.Leah Louise C. Gorospe has a waif's body, a deeply unflattering and unruly hair that tries to stick out from all over and a round face usually mistaken as something belonging to a serious and uppity snob (a big emphasis to the word MISTAKEN). You can usually see her being unobtrusive in her light colored t-shirt (sometimes red) and jeans.After 19 years and four months of existence, she has had 100 cigarettes and very probably a good supply of nicotine (or something produced from it) in her lungs. Joke! The truth is, she doesn?t smoke and she doesn?t drink, partly because she doesn?t like the taste of beer and she has a fear that the color of her lips would turn charcoal black from smoking, but mostly because she fears what her mother would say if she does : p Also, she doesn?t have the right attitude to match.She, despite appearances, is actually a first-class loser with no desire for conforming, a natural non-conformist, if you say, because she doesn?t feel the need to do something just because others are doing it, an attitude mistaken (again) for hard-headedness. Anyways, I haven?t told you that she?s boring. She can be fun at times but most of the time she?s boring. She?s usually worrying about mundane things in her life, turning some petty, unimportant things to big problems that when closely analyzed, are nothing but some petty, unimportant things, therefore proving that she is PARANOID. She?s timid, an attitude she?s not particularly proud of and it causes her great annoyance. In the near future, she wishes to be BRASH, ASSERTIVE, CONFIDENT and POLISHED, in short SHE WANTS TO BE COOL ; p She loves tinkering on her computer and watching TV (much to her mother?s dismay) and also has a knack for reading. She doesn?t regard herself as an intellectual and often times she doesn?t understand the words because her vocabulary is poor but she reads anyway. I might sound too corny so I?ll just end it here before I?d write things that I might regret in the future. I?m sure by now you?ve figured out from all the pronouns that I?ve used that LEAH IS A GIRL. --end--

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Aww you shouldn't be so hard on yourself!Ok this is me:Meera looks very indian although she does not have the usual curvacious stereo-typical indian body shape. She is a bit off the normal and seems to be quiet but much more open to her friends and people who she knows well. She can be funny and when she is funny it is because she is corny. She is a good listener and fairly empathetic. Aw i sound up myself :o ah well..

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Oh leiaah btw, your site looks cool, i like your layout and colour scheme. ^^ One of my closest friends moved to the phills.. I really miss her. :o ... I like your taste in movies, books, shows etc. Did you design your layout with html, etc? and did the shout box come from Xisto?

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Oh leiaah btw, your site looks cool, i like your layout and colour scheme. ^^ One of my closest friends moved to the phills.. I really miss her. :D  ...


I like your taste in movies, books, shows etc.


Did you design your layout with html, etc? and did the shout box come from Xisto?


Aw shoobi! Thanks! Yes I designed the layout with html and some php, and I also made the shoutbox (explains why the most recent entry is at the bottom. i'll fix it soon :o )

Where is your friend now? See you around!

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Cammy is not your typical ebony chick, at first appearence you'd think she has a thick caribbean or african accent but when she opens her mouth she sounds like a Canadian girl, well she is a Canadian girl born and raised in Toronto and if I heard her talking around the corner and didnt take a peek you'd think she was a tall skinny blonde, besides she sounds like britney speers on a good day :)

Shes 5'5'' shiny black hair, full but proportionate lips, large warm eyes, curvaceous figure, not slim not obese, shes pretty hard on herself about her weight but when shes feeling good, she shows a bit of her cleavage triple d's at that :lol: and a short skirt to show off one of her best assets, her great legs, shes a bit shy almost aloof but witty and talkative in the right crowd.

Shes a big kid with a serious side to her, she looks like shes always up to something, her wheels constantly turning in her brain, ready for her next adventure...

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I always love talking about me in the third person (though that's usually more effective in hiding your involvement into a story when people don't know you're talking about yourself :lol:)------brainless is one of those guys who learned DOS commands while the other boys were playing soccer outside on the lawn. During the next years, he always kept an eye on the way the other children developed and decided over and over again, that their behavior was not worth his attention. By chance he joined the DLRG (a german life-saving organization) in 1995 but this did not change anything in his attitude towards other people of his age. In the following years he developed a great understanding of the way technical things work and can be described but did not learn anything about relationships between people.This abruptly changed when he had an encounter with his sandbox love only three years ago, when they both learned they are on the same school. Even though her various boyfriends in this time never liked "that strange guy", she did not let him down but asked him out on weekends, accompanied by several female friends of hers.Thanks to those friends, brainless learned to combine his former life with the new way of life and is now able to explain the basics of relationships between people to his techie-friends using a rather technical language and the technical problems to those who did not grow up with computers but joined the trend when their parents bought a cheap PC from WalMart.This skill and some strange character traits led the people he met in this so-called "real life" to think that brainless has a split personality - on the one side he always recommends a non-digital backup system of records while he's trying to promote a high-tech-solution to store even the smallest amount of data someone might need in the future; he is propagating the use of the internet to exchange information or discuss important things while he believes that an action is more powerful when done on the streets of his hometown instead of some data cable between his ISP and the rest of the world; he openly admits that gender equality is an important goal, even when it means to reduce the male's power but does not keep his voice low when he thinks that men are being discriminated against; he spreads bad news about Microsoft but does not use Linux or any other operating system but WinXP Pro [hey, that's just because my computer is unable to run any linux distro out of the box]; he's leaving his PC running for hours but rides his bike to school because that does not damage the environment as much as using the car; he tells other people about the rules of society but lives himself according to the rule that the only reason for rules is to make people think before breaking them - and according to his better half and his bad company (a.k.a. his best friends) there are many more points which led them to the conclusion that brainless has a split personality.But there's still another important thing to tell you about him: brainless is not afraid of getting into trouble with authorities as long as he thinks he's right - and is not to proud to admit failures of his own once he recognizes them...

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Wow. that's a good size biography. You have lots more to write about yourself than I do. I think i would descirbe myself as boring, crazy, and a weirdo. A science geek who likes Biology and like playing board games for recreation.

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Its actually interesting what people think others think of themselves. Here is mine:unicornrose or Beth is not afraid to feel. She feels things very deeply. She tries to give whenever she can, sometimes to her own expense. Beth loves to give and receive hugs. She is very enthusiastic. Sometimes a little too enthusiastic. Beth also has a smile ready for anyone she encounters. She also tries to be kind and nice to everyone around her. Occationally Beth is very cranky and gets a little snappy. However, most of the time she is pretty nice. Beth can be amusing and she laughs very easily. She shows that she is educated by the insights she makes when in conversation. Sometimes it seems like Beth is shy but once you get to know her and she is comfortable around you look out. She can be a little crazy. She is a little quirky and eccentric. Beth also is a writer of poetry. Some people even like it. She writes from her heart and tries to use visual imagery. Beth tries to live life to the fullest and enjoy the small things in life that make it pleasurable.

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Everybody judges based upon everyones exterior and first impression. Like the saying goes the best impression is the first impression. Just one of the factors people hire you to work if you look decent. Its shabby but its true. You can totally be dressed in nice clothes but doesn't mean you have a good work ethic or even a nice person. ANyways if you think about what people view you, you are always trying to impress someone else to make your image better. Either that means acting bad, dressing badder, or whatever. People tell you to ignore what people think of you. but that's really really hard. people have feelings. You always assume the worst of what people think of you. Try to be optimistic sometimes.

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Whoeve thinks that they truly dont care what people think of them is true are really mentally challanged. Because we are all raised in a world where we have to care what people think. That's society for ya!

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This is such an interesting topic :) It's really difficult to write something like this.Well,Tao is a rather slim person, with a wide hip (though).She has short, black-brown hair. (and she always has it cut short).She is very quiet if she doesn't you know you well. But she talks quite a lot otherwise. She is more confident than the majority of Thai people althoughshe is absolutely not confident in comparison to people in the country in which is is stydying. Because she does law at the university, some people stereotype her as "lawyers". Ah well, after all, perhaps she does fight for her rights. :lol:

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personally... i for one couldn't care how people see me, they can either like what they seeing or they cant, and they can tell me...i think people see me as a push-over at first, but when people get to know me they know i dont take grief from anyone... and they know if it comes down to it and tension is in the air ... it will go down, people will know im proud of who i am, my race, my nationality... i think some people will think im quite, others will think im not... people will think that im a chilled person, nothing will phase me... life? whats life ? strong mentality...

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