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New Film "expelled: No Intellegence Allowed" Is Intellegent Design science?

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There is a new film out decrying the injustice that proponents of ID are not being taken seriously as scientists. Or wait a minute... Is this really just propaganda to help the fundie Christians invade and reclaim science for the work of God? If it is the latter as I suspect then if they succeed, before long the science your kids study at school may soon be indistinguishable from theology.I cannot say that I had a very good impression of Dawkins for most of my life, though my opinion based on "The Selfish Gene", improved when I read "Ancestor's Tale" and "Climbing Mount Improbable". Since I am an avid opponent of the idea of design for both scientific and theological reasons, Dawkins coining of the word, "designoid", was shear delight to me. Then I saw Dawkins lied to and misquoted in a clip of that sickening piece of propaganda, "Expelled". My fury at this film and the obvious tactics of the film maker only served to underline Richard Dawkins' obvious intellegence and sincerity. It inspired me to read his book, "The God Delusion", the very title of which I had always found insulting. This brought me to the following question: who has the lower estimate of the intellegence of Christians? Dawkins or those who made the film "Expelled". From my reading of the book "The God Delusion", which Dawkins hopes to convert a theist reading it into an athiest, I must say that, despite the fact that Dawkins will not suceed in my case (for he is a little blind on the topic of religion as many atheists are), he is nevertheless the one with the higher estimate of Christian intellegence. The sad thing is, that Christians seem to be proving Dawkins estimate wrong as they seem to be eating up this film and thinking it is great.I can only make my own appeal to Christians everywhere: not to be fooled by this film. It is not about the free flow of ideas in science, that is just nonsense. The fact is that just as 1+1=3 aint math, Intellegent Design aint science. The reason is quite simple, ID contradicts the most basic purpose of science to look for an explanation of things other than "God did it". Science was not created by atheists, but by people who wanted to look for a different kind of explanation of things. Therefore, science presumes that another kind of explanation exists, and that is why ID's declaration that there is no such explanation cannot be called science. People are free do do whatever theology (including ID) they want, but why should they be any more free to call their ideas science than the Flat Earthers? I love theology as much as science and want the freedom to do BOTH. I can only suggest that a new field of "scientific theology" or "biological theology" be opened up as something in which to categorize ID. But the scientists (the vast majority, Christian and non-Christian alike) all know that ID does not belong in the category of modern science.

Edited by mitchellmckain (see edit history)

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