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Can Anyone Help Me In Making A Online Text Base Game..

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You want to make a server? I'd think that, considering you're using Apache, you already have a server at hand and just want to make a website where your game will be located. ;-)


Anyways, if your goal is to make a web-based text game, then you ought to consider what language you're going to use first. PHP is ubiquitous, but not necessarily the best choice if you happen to have other options at hand. If you intend to use PHP and are currently on a Windows machine, it would benefit you to install http://www.wampserver.com/, which basically sets up (almost automatically) MySQL, PHP and Apache on your computer. If you're using Linux, then check out this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for some possible ideas of what to get. (LAMP and WAMP both stand for Linux/Windows Apache MySQL PHP)


After you've got that set up, you can check out one of the numerous PHP tutorials out on the web, i.e. http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp You ought to beware, though, that these tutorials are rarely comprehensive and tend to lack on the security side. So you ought to either buy a book to learn "better" PHP or check out the code sources of other projects.


I would say more, but I think this should be enough to get you started. Everything else is up to how you want to mess around. :blink:

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On a random note, I notice you aren't a hosted member. Just to let you know, Xisto supports PHP etc. making it a nice little way of tinkering with the idea. It's something I eventually plan on having up and running, even if I do have to upgrade my account to a paid one to get more bandwidth for my revolutionary game. :blink:Or not...

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