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I Have A Problem With Cpanel.... veryyy veryyy slow and not doing anything..

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I am trying to install a temporary message board through cpanel using fantasico but everytime I click on the link for fantasico, It only loads forever showing the little status bar with 4 boxes and wont let me go any further...Is the trap 17 server slow or is my cpanel just being screwy? Everything else seems to be working... Ill let you guys know if it loads finally :) but please let me know whats wrong.

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Yea NilsC found that one of the nameservers are down or something like that and that it is causing it to be slow....no problem though because im sure it will be fixed....But thanks for responding and letting me know it isnt just me :)

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I am also having a problem with FTP. I try to connect and it won't let me at all but I can connect to my old host. It sux cause I didn't get to finish uploading all my files yesterday and I wanna get em uploaded. I hope it will work soon.

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