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Gothic 3 Oblivions got nothin on this

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This game is simply put AMAZING. I've never played an rpg with this good of graphics. It' beats oblivion blind folded. This is a polish made game from an unknown company who only has gothic 1-3 under their name.

The site to the game is right Here Just have a look at the game if you want to play it, it's a midevil game with dinosaurs (dont ask why but their beautiful). The graphics are so good that at Max, the leaves on the trees are all separate leaves and they sway to the wind. The wolfs have fur, not just a coat of flat looking fur, but Realistic, swaying moving fur. People have hair and not just blocks either. There's actual demention to the armor, like if there's a ripple to show off an abb It's either the most beautiful looking 2d sprite. Or it has actual dimention to it.

This game was an instant buy when I saw the graphics. And I didn't think atall before/after buying it. It was worth it. Just for the Graphics. The game play is Very good also, And VERY LONG, it took me two days to get half way through it, going non-stop action and storyline. The world has multiple quests, you can take the side of good or evil. You decide who you work for at the beggining the Orcs or the Humans (while you're a human you're a mercinary)

I don't know what else to say about this game becides the fact that it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.

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WHOAAA - SO IT'S OUT !!!! Awesomeness.. thanks for informing dude.. I'm a die-hard fan of Gothic and have lost count the number of times I've played Gothic I & II. The worlds they create are so HUMONGOUS and so very detailed. In short, breathtaking. I've rarely come across a game that instills as strong a sense of nostalgia (read belonging to the old times) and adventure as the Gothic series.


Time to get Gothic III I guess :ph34r: To encourage others (those who haven't played Gothic yet) to try this game out I'm gonna come back later and post some screen-shots of the earlier ones..

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I've actually heard less then great things about gothic 3 from playability to graphics. I've heard the graphics are on par or lesser then oblivion and the playability is shot due to various annoyances. I don't know specifics and haven't played it myself, but it seems reviews on some common sites also point to potential problems with G3 :ph34r: Again, I haven't played it myself so this isn't a first person account, just thought I'd throw that out there for what its worth.

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