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Hi im GuySpook (of course) Mad coder, xtreme-hacker, and you walking talking security blanket. Although im a hacker its for the better. I do it for making a better secure internet. When u need better stuff for ur website and games ask me. My mad coding skills allow me to do the craziest things that do the craziest stuff. Me being ur security blanket means that i make sure ur computer is safe at all times. I will also recommend anti-virus programs,anti-spyware programs, and anti-adware programs. for more information you might want to visit a new website im going to launch from here at Xisto. the url will be http://www.xtech.tk/ pls make sure u visit it when i announce it in a post under this topic:D. CURRENT RECOMENDATIONS FROM XTECH___________________________________________________AntiSpyware= Microsoft Anti-Spyware B1 (https://www.microsoft.com/de-de)Anti-Virus= Panda Platinum Internet Secuirty (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)Anti-Adware= Ad-Aware (use msn.com to search for Ad-Aware) Xtech, Your Source For Computer Security and Fun.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^To be javascript at the least someday.....anyone looking for info about XTech should email me at interstate82man@hotmail.com or guyspook@ssw.trap17.com GuySpook

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Hmm, I don't know if this is me, but I thought Ad-Aware gets rid of adware and spyware programs on your computer....


I used Panda one time, and I could NOT get it to work. Then, when I tried uninstalling it from my computer, it wouldn't let me! I had to "uninstall" it manually by removing every file from Panda under c:\Program Files. Even then I could not delete some files because it was currently being used. *sigh*


By the way, spook, your .tk website doesn't work, and ssw.trap17.com is suspended.


Other than that, enjoy your stay here at Xisto. :)

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