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Computer Model Of The Brain Created

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CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 26 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists have, for the first time, applied a computer model of how the brain processes visual information to a complex, real world task.


"People have been talking about computers imitating the brain for a long time," said Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Tomaso Poggio. "That was Alan Turing's original motivation in the 1940s. But in the last 50 years, computer science and AI (artificial intelligence) have developed independently of neuroscience."


Thomas Serre, a postdoctoral associate in Poggio's lab, said the team developed a model of the visual system that was meant to be useful for neuroscientists in designing and interpreting experiments but that also could be used for computer science.


The research appears in the March issue of the journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.


Copyright 2007 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved.

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Even if they can get a computer to fully imitate a human brain, its going to require huge computers to do it properly due to the complexity and the mass amounts of information the brain can store. Don't forget, we don't just store vast amounts of information in our brain, but the ability to reason, which is going to be extremely hard for a computer to correctly imitate.

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the time when computers can imitate human brain is very long time to come,computers might be able to cope up with logical part of he brain ,but we are forgetting here that the human brain consist of a lot of emotions and their interpretation ius highly complex for even the biggest computer on earth ,a logical part of the brain could be mad with a large database and all but it is near to impossible for a computer to be emotional ,to have feelings to have love for someone and to make descisions based on human feeling rather than plain logic,there are many parts of a human life actually 90% of how a human lives depends on his emotional life and emotional control over situations ,computer may interpret servants but no more than that,computers though if even have a large database ,one cannot know the emotional feeling for a particular data by a robotic computer , the steps taken in the above article are really good and in a positive direction ,but it would take a very long time for this to practivally happen ,when you will find a teen girl in love with a robot hehe

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I wouldn't want computers thinking emotionally like humans. As a whole, the human species has done nothing but war with itself since the dawn of humanity. That's all we need is one "intelligent" computer to consider itself superior to everyone and start blowing things up ;) Haven't you ever played System Shock?! ;) I don't know. What would we have with computers that think like humans? It certainly would be an evolution, since we'd make them do all the work and the human species would get weaker and weaker, until one day we are totally replaced by the machines and you enter into any such and such apocalyptic android movie you've ever seen ;) The potential benefits would be interesting though... Artwork, created entirely from an intelligent computer, which would take mere seconds to create a masterpiece that surpasses Da Vinci, and them. Marketing campaigns would explode, and computers for rival companies would duke it out with competition, trying to create the mathematically perfect ad campaign. So many possibilities...

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There are far too many books written about this subject. ;) I think a computer modeled completely after the brain would just be... A brain. Without a body. After all, that is pretty much what we're talking about - something to "imitate" the human brain as closely as possible, but with faster processing. It sounds a lot like a computer geek with a laptop (no offense to computer geeks, myself being one). Except, of course, for the balance in different areas, as opposed to the system we use, which isn't practical for the kinds of advances that we want. And the eternal servitude. ;)

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Not to be funny ... but I'll begin my opinion with "I think" ;)I think that the differences between how a computer thinks and how a person thinks are at this point a bonus. Computers follow a series of instructions and for the most part, us humans aren't very good at that.Our processes are influenced by our environment, our mood, creativity, our personal experiences and many other things. Even when we do the identical process twice we might end up with different results. For example, it might take longer to do something one time than another, or we may do a better job one time than the other.I like the fact that computers are influenced by these factors.How much science fiction has been written on this subect ... never with good results. We would be taking something that has perfect logical thinking process and taking away what it is best at.Would we be heading towards borg technology?

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First off, I hate to be the one who ruins all of the fun going on here but the article didn't say that they made a model of the entire human brain. What they actually made was a "computer model of how the brain processes visual information to a complex, real world task". That does not sound like a brain at all to me! What it sounds like is that they created a computer model of our eyes and how the brain reacts to what our they are looking at. Regardless though, this is one heck of an advance in technology. I am curious how the model works because the information that comes from our eyes does in fact trigger a heck-of-a-lot of emotions. Well, at least thats the case for me, I don't know about everyone else ;)


When science gets to the point were we can actually create an entire model of the human brain, emotions, logic and everything else, we should stop right there and advance no further. Once we create that first computer with the ability to judge others, it will know that it is better and it will take advantage of us less intelligent beings. In a sense, that computer will not even be a computer anymore. When you compare us, Humans, to a computer, there are relatively few general differences, aside from the fact that computers do not have emotions. Would a computer with the ability to think, believe, feel pain and deal with the emotions we as humans already deal with actually be a mindless robot that repeats tasks over and over again? Humans get bored, and a computer with the brain of a human would get bored as well... That is something to think about!


It seem it will created in next 5 to 10 years...!

I don't think something as complex as the human brain, with all of the abilities of the human brain will be created within the next 100 years at least, and definitely not within 5-10 years! I assume that in 5-10 years, we might have computers with the ability to walk, talk and socialize with us doing our housework, but even that would be weird and hard to get used to.


Even if they can get a computer to fully imitate a human brain, its going to require huge computers to do it properly due to the complexity and the mass amounts of information the brain can store.

That depends. If the computer "forgets" things like humans do, there would be ample space recovered from "deleting old files" if you know what I mean.


Another thing to think of is how our memories are not as clear as they were when something happened. Try this. Get up and turn around. Take a look at what is behind you, and then come back to the computer and think about what you just looked at. The image in your head will not be a perfect image of what you just saw. What you will actually see is something like a blurry image. This is much like when you save an image on the computer as a .GIF or .PNG file. The image tends to get blurred and space is saved. I believe this would be the best way for a brain to "remember" something while saving tons and tons of space. To somewhat accurately recall anything, you don't need a perfect image of what you saw, just a rough idea so that your brain can put the pieces back together.


I am just speculating right now, but that is how I think the brain would work when it comes to storing all of the information that it gathers. I can tell you right now that I do not think I remember gigabytes of information!


the steps taken in the above article are really good and in a positive direction ,but it would take a very long time for this to practivally happen ,when you will find a teen girl in love with a robot hehe

That would be a big problem right there! I don't know how I could compare to a robot who remembered almost everything a woman said to them! That would be simply devastating for us men.


How much science fiction has been written on this subect ... never with good results. We would be taking something that has perfect logical thinking process and taking away what it is best at.

I have seen countless films that focus on how a computer might be when it can think for itself and feel emotion, or something like it. Take I Robot or 2001, A Space Odessy. The computers in each one of those movies took a turn for the worst and seemingly rebelled against mankind. In either case, they make you think about whether its a good idea to give a computer that much ability... A computer that could react to things and make a informed decision based on its memories wouldn't be too bad, as long as it didn't have the ability to rebel against mankind and kill everyone.

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