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Hk Rolling In...

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Hi, me be Ian, aka HiddenKenshin (or even HK), a belgian, 21yr old male on the loose. I got here since my paid hosting has ended, and I need a free alternative. After skimming through about a few dozens of sites, this one seemed most promising. Actually, I'm pretty amazed I almost got all 10 credits rounded up already... And this community seems, well, not rotten or spam-flooded, that's always a plus because I'm a bit of a forum addict...Uh, as for interests, real quick: I'm nuts about graphic designing, educated myself in photoshop, dreamweaver, apophysis, etc... I'm addicted to japanese culture, thus I am also a kendoka, meaning that I do Kendo, a japapense swordfighting martial art that is heavily concentrated on budo as well. Budo can be widely seen as "the elightened way of the warrior". Being a warrior at heart, mind, spirit and body. Not just slicing and dicing your opponent.Next to that I enjoy playing a game now and then, and am still loyal to command and conquer, more importantly, red alert 2. Idunno why...Naturally, most of my time, dedication and interest go to my lovely girlfriend Emilie and my close friends. For eventual fellow beljuns, I'm from Hasselt ^^Oh. I have an inexplicable love for ninjas. Again, idunno why. I like to pretend I am one.

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