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Art Book Publishing Business Model - Art eBook - how/will it work?

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I am not sure how many of you here have come across Art books. I had seen quite a few when I was a bit more than a kid at one of my parent's friends house. Then, it had been just a sense of wonder with which I had thumbed through the pages.

Time passed, and I could not give much of my attention to the hobby of art. Those days when I went through the Art Books were almost forgotten, until lately when I came across a review on 'EXPOSĂ 4' Ballistic Publishing at a random website. Reading through that review, led me to the actual selling page of Ballistic Publishing. Going through the page gallery, I looked through the different pages I would get if I bought that book. And to my surprise, I saw many artworks that I recognized. These were some of the artwork by veterans at the art forums I frequent. And this was the time, I remembered those days I would go through all those art books at that almost derelict home library.

This time though, I have a bit of different perspective in terms of these Art Books. I wonder how exactly the copyrights and the contracts are handled by the different parties - the publisher as well as the various different artists that contribute with their artwork. How does the business model tick?

Moreover, lately - I too have been thinking in similar terms. I had been chatting with co-AstaHoster, m^e, and we were discussion over giving freebies of artwork away at our blogs. For example, at my blog, I write about Design and Art, almost as frequently as I write about other topics. And I naturally thought, I could put my 'digital' brush to use and give something for my visitors.

What does this have to do with that Art Book by Ballistic Publications, you may ask.

Well, I was thinking, how would a business model of a digital art book in the online form run? At least theoretically, how would it work? Could it work at all? Too many questions and I know there is Google Search Engine that might answer me - but you see, I am a bit lazy. :)

If any of you can shed more light on it, that would be great. May be another perspective?

Note: No. I am in no way affiliated with Ballistic Publications. There might as well be other publications, but this was just the one that I came across that sold digital art books. I am still contemplating on buying it - the hard cover EXPOSĂ 4 costs $60 (ok $59); quite a large sum where I live in.

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Well, in a sense there are many online galleries that could be described as a sort of digital art book. Are you thinking of one that actually has turning pages and such? There are some flash sites out there doing that and I think even some free tutorials about building them. I am guessing though that you are maybe trying to figure out other forms in which this digital art book could manifest itself in the online world.

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Hmmmm. foolakadugie, not exactly. I mean, you did give a new perspective that I did not think aboout.


I was more on the terms where, I would work on compiling the artworks of an artists (or more than one artist), based on a theme and then make a PDF document out of it. These PDF document would, in priciple be similar to the traditional artbooks.


I was wondering how the business model works out in terms of traditional artwork book (for example, the 'EXPOSÉ 4'). In terms of different nuances - one for example would be on what lines the copyright contract would be between the artists and the publisher.


I understand that the business model works for traditional art books - I just want to understand how the work and their intricacies.


On the other hand, I was also pondering over whether the same model would work in terms of e-Artbooks. Would people buy it or not? Or would we require to do some changes in the way how it works?

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I suppose it might be approached similarly to the process of making a physical art book. I think it might also depend on who is being featured and wether all the artists agree to the same term or if the copyrights/royalties/etc need to be dealt with on an individual basis. Some lesser known artists may just like the exposure and not require compensation. I suppose people would buy it if the art interested them. People buy other ebooks, so I don't see why they wouldn't buy an e-artbook, as long as they KNOW about it and see some samples or listing of the art/artists included. I receive a free subscription to a PDF magazine regarding design and video production, etc (Creative Cow). Sometimes they also mail me a physical magazine too. I think they make their money, or at least break even, with their advertising. The magazine hasn't been around for long, but the website has been quite established for a long time. Even so, the magazine seems to be getting a decent number of readers.

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