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Ant And Larvae Vector Art for a blog article

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Well, here is another one of vector art that I created. It took roughly 2 hours from concept to final stage in Inkscape.


My friend who is in the team of authors for my blog has written an extensive write-up on a nature related topic that dealt with parasatic blue butterflies (their larvae), ants and wasps. I was pretty impressed by the write up and thought I should make a image to accompany with it. So, I started doodling with stuff and got the concept. Then I fired up the Inkscape and this is what I have:


Posted Image


I attempted an caricature-cartoon like feel and also wanted it to look like someone had interrupted the ant in whatever it was doing.


Comment and critique please. Though I would not be changing anything in this image, comments and feedback would help me improve my skills.


Total Effort: 2 hrs

Software: Inkscape

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Cute :) I really can't think of anything bad on this picture, because it is really well done. I like the colours, especially the shade of green used for the background. Heh, I also like the larva's eyes, they are quite interesting.Actually, the only thing that is a bit weird is the "hand" holding the larva - the angle somehow doesn't seem right - but it's just me :)

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Actually, the only thing that is a bit weird is the "hand" holding the larva - the angle somehow doesn't seem right - but it's just me :)

Yes, I did have a bit of trouble with it. May be I should have studied a bit more of reference pictures.

:makes note to self to study more reference pictures:

Actually, I was in a bit of hurry. The blog post is scheduled to get published in two more days. I was a bit tentative that the following days I would be busy with my day job - so I did it a bit hurriedly.

Thanks for the comments pyost.

PS: pyost - not seen you around in DA for quite a while. By the way, I have put up a bit larger version there.
Edited by Vyoma (see edit history)

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lovely one ... i liked it so much even though it's kinda BOBOLW and i cant too think of any thing bad or see anything that is not in place .... the pic looks simple and nice ... and i encourage you to do something like this more often to inspire the audence :) :) ..and should\would Xisto make a Designing competetion in the future to give the chance to every1 to bring up thier skills ...anyway it's just an idea :):):)

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Well, thanks joe.k. Thanks for the encouraging words. And as for the Designing competition is concerned, I think it is something the admins would decide.

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Nice, simple shading. Quirky picture....they seem to be quite concerned that someone interrupted their...alone time. Or...whatever they might've been in the middle of! :) I think that a bit of implied texture would've been a nice addition to this piece. It's good in it's simplicity and shading, but I think a bit of texture would've really added some more character. :)

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Thanks leafbunk for your comments. And thanks to your suggestions too.


I did try a bit of texturing in the beginning but then it lost all focus and became to distractive. I do not know if texturing it was a bad idea or I do not have enough skills to get it right. In the end, I decided on having a clean picture than a distractive one at the expense of some experimentation experience I would have gained.


So, this is how it ended up. And about the 'interruption' - well, now that it has been published along with the article, you can all see it at the blog post article.



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