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Bug With Firefox Unusual form-field focussing

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Like most people, I too have to fill in many form-fields everyday on the Internet - login fields, search boxes, and what not! I use Orkut, and I sign in to it about thrice everyday. Now, I have a 128kbps ISDN connection, while I clear up my dues for the Broadband :) (Boo!) and I've noticed this-


When I type my login ID in the respective field while the page is loading, the Password field automatically gets focussed when the pages completes loading! ven ehrn I'm half-way through typing my login ID, I end up typing the rest half in the Password field!


This problem has been noticed with many other form fields too, so I don;t think its Orkut to blame. Also, my predictions are that Firefox doesn't completely support ASPX, since Orkut uses ASPX and so do others that have the same issue! By the way, here's what I use-

Windows XP Professional SP 2 (If that's going to help! :) )

Mozilla Firefox v1.5.0.4

Fasterfox Extention

Adblock Plus Extension

Please help me out if this problem can be solved. I'm new to this problem, since I used to have 512kbps Broadband (without any dues :D ) and the page used to load real fast!

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Wouldn't be this a problem with the auto loading login/password? Possibly you hit some time Enter or Submit with nothing in the login/password field, making it auto load the "empty" user. I'm just guessing, but you could try disabling the auto complete feature for a while.

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Thanks for looking into the matter, guys.

KDEWolf, no, I've not set the 'remember' login/password. And hence, I have to put BOTH Login ID AND Password everytime I log in. :)


XboxRulz, what you suggested is a one-time remedy. But that seems to happen every time I login to those sites! I need some solution that would fix the thing forever! :)


I think there's some problem the way Firefox renders these pages. Or maybe the pages are mis-comfigured to focus the wrong field first! :D

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Have a flick around the Tools-Options section, and see if you have made any unwanted options chosen.If you use one selective form, for one address or e-mail, you may be better off saving your form recognition.What you're basically describing is, the form field, is automatically starting on Password, when the page is fully loaded, yet before the page is fully loaded, it lets you type in username.I think I've had this problem before, and after a restart of my computer after using the Installation section of Mozilla again, which is also repair and remove which you repair, then verything should be fine.If not, I would contact Mozilla, as maybe if your speed internet has not been fully adapted with the Mozilla Firefox Web Browser, or even Orkut if you have been having problems with that as well.Best of Luck!Mafamba

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