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Secursurf And Shareaza

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I recently purchased SecurSurf from SecurStar (http://www.securstar.com/products_ssolo.php). It is basically a secure proxy server that you use to make your internet traffic “anonymous”. I have gotten IE to work great but I am having problems getting any other applications running. It is a new product for SecurStar so the program they sent me is fairly immature. My main reason for purchasing was to get a P2P client called Shareaza running and so far I have had no luck. I have also tried a newsreader and several other programs with no luck also. Has anyone had any experience with this problem with either SecurSurf or Shareaza? Also SecurSurf works over SSH. Are there any other good programs that would let me use the SecurSurf server and be more user friendly?

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I now have a 90% solution to my problem. The biggest problem was a lack of education on my end. I highly recommend SecurSurf to those who are very technically inclined but others may want to stay away. The system is very robust and has many possibilities.After almost giving I gave it one last try and downloaded Putty (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/). Not expecting anything I loged in and to my amazement it worked. The welcome message had several hints and words of wisdom (and missing information). The main website did not list any of the ports that I could use but the welcome message had ports for Squid (http://www.squid-cache.org/), Squid + Proxivty, and Suqid + Tor. With this missing information I was able to set the appropriate rules and everything worked.My second problem was that Shareaza did not have proxy support. I soon found a program called Proxifier (http://www.proxifier.com/) which basically proxy enables any application. With a bit of tinkering I soon got the whole system up and running. I was still getting some DNS request and data leakage and I turned on a feature in Proxifier that took care of that problem. All together I am experiencing almost the same bandwidth as I was before. I have easily had speeds of 200Kb/sec+ which I could have never gotten with another service.I did say that this was a 90% solution. I am still having problems with some request leakage on UDP. I opened Ethereal and found some unencrypted UDP packets talking on the default Shareaza port. The leakage is minor, I would say less than 0.01% of traffic, but it is still a concern. I have other avenues that I will be exploring in the future so I will report on them as I find out more.P.S. Apparently the SecurSurf program is using plink.exe, one of the Putty applications. Depending on traffic load, plink.exe will decide to fail. This usually happens every two hours or so when traffic is heavy. I don’t know if this is a fault of SecurSurf or Putty. I am currently looking for another SSH port forwarding solution.

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