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Unable To Log Into The Drupal Cms When Using Parked Domain As Url (Can log in when using direct astahost.com subdomain URL)

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Oh boy! Setting up a website even using a CMS does not seem to be straight forward task. I have noticed a problem.

As stated earlier in another thread, I have already registerd for the domain wisetome.com and parked it against kmaheshbhat.astahost.com. Also, for illustrating the problem I am facing, I have created a user with the following details for my site:

Username: joe
Password: joe

(This is a temporary user that I will be deleting later).

Now here is the problem I am facing. Let us take the following two cases:

Case 1:
Go to URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Log in as joe (password is joe) in the User Login block.
When you log in the User Block dissapears, and we get another block with joe in bold and on the top and "my account" and "logout" as options.

Well, this is how it should be acting and everthing is fine. Please logout.

Case 2:
Go to URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

It shows up the same site (obviously).
Again, log in as joe (password joe) in the User Login block.

It does not log in at all!

As I illustrated above, it does not log in when I use
as the URL as opposed to using kmaheshbhat.astahost.com as the URL to go to the site. Now, if I cannot use wisetome.com as the URL, then what is the point in registering for that domain name?

I do not know how to solve this problem! I do not know if the problem is due to setting up of the domain name or setting up of Drupal, the CMS.

The CMS I have used is Drupal 4.7.2 - the latest stable release.

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Well I tried again and it did not work. Then I realized that I am using the infamous Microsoft IE!I deleted all the cookies and then retried logging in. I works! Man... so everything did go straight forward - it was just the stupid tools I am using. I really need to set my crashed PC fixed and get a net connection. I then, need not rely on these workstations at the net browsing centers.:( Thanks pyost for checking. I feel so embarased.

Edited by Vyoma (see edit history)

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