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Binod Singh

Posting New Topics Allowed or not

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I just wanted to know, whether I have to search the entire forum through search or through individual topics before posting new topics.What if I start a new topic without searching, if that topic is already there in discussion. Is it allowed or not?At present I search entire forum before posting any new topic and post my messages appropriate for the topic.

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Most of the time it's best to just use the search, though I don't post many topics it's a very useful tool, neh?And if you know the topic is already there, or the possibility of it being there, I don't think it's allowed if you repost it.

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There's no point in starting a new topic on the same subject when it's already being discussed. However, If say, the topic has died down, and no one replys, AND there's new stuff on the topic, then you can start a new one-whyme :)

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I have certain questions for clarification.What is the life cycle of a post? So far, which post got maximum no. of responses?If no reply is given to a post how longer it remains active in the forum? I have posted few new topics related to ?Network Monitoring tools? but did not received any reply. Is it allowed to start a new topic on that subject or continue to add reply on that topic?

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Your post was probably overided by the other posts in the forums. When someone posts a reply, it will "bump" it. But I don't think you should double post to bump it.

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