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Hosting Account Suspended?

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I think I got an email in error telling me my account has been suspended, while it has not. I have 10.19 days worth of hosting credits, and here's the email I got:

Hello CodeName_88,
We are sorry to inform you that, your web hosting account at has been suspended due to your prolonged inactivity or Lack of Hosting credits. We had dispatched a warning email to all the members so that they could check their hosting credits.


If you want to un-suspend your hosting account, you will have to make posts at our forums and collect the required number of hosting credits. Once you have sufficient amount of credits, your account will be un-suspended automatically.

If you do not un-suspend your account within one month, it will be terminated automatically. We will consider that you no longer require our services. After termination, your files are un-recoverable.

To check your hosting Credits, Please log on to our forums. [ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ]

To Cancel your hosting account with us, Please visit our page here. We recommend you to cancel your account if you are not going to use it. Please backup your files before cancelling. It will free our server resources which can be used to provide hosting to others. [ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ]

Cpanel Username : codename


The Management.

Please check the error here, and I can log in to my Cpanel normally.

CodeName_88, remember to put everything you didn't write in the quotes tag ([quote]text goes here[/quote]). Thank you.
Edited by snlildude87 (see edit history)

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Your hosting account at blabla, they don't mention a name. And look at the reply adress. I got this in my email and went wtf? But then i remembred Xisto's warning:

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If you look at the email you can see a couple of glaring errors in the email address for one and in the http link to check your hosting credits. If you clicked the link you may have ended up on a hijack / drive by download site. So make sure you check youf computer for malicious software and or adWare.If you have the email still I would like to have a copy of the header part of the email. If you know how to extract headers please do so and PM it to me, thank you.Nils

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Hello adriantc,We are sorry to inform you that, your web hosting account at has been suspended due to your prolonged inactivity or Lack of Hosting credits. We had dispatched a warning email to all the members so that they could check their hosting credits. ** YOUR WEB HOSTING FILES ARE SAFE ON OUR SERVER **If you want to un-suspend your hosting account, you will have to make posts at our forums and collect the required number of hosting credits. Once you have sufficient amount of credits, your account will be un-suspended automatically.If you do not un-suspend your account within one month, it will be terminated automatically. We will consider that you no longer require our services. After termination, your files are un-recoverable.To check your hosting Credits, Please log on to our forums. [ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ]To Cancel your hosting account with us, Please visit our page here. We recommend you to cancel your account if you are not going to use it. Please backup your files before cancelling. It will free our server resources which can be used to provide hosting to others. [ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ]
Cpanel Username : adriantc Sincerely,The Management.

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I got this message today and I was a bit shocked since I had more then 8 credits. I realised that I could visit my website and access my account (so the account wasn't suspended). I was wondering if there is anyway we can stop the spammers.

note by serverph to adriantc: placed quote tags on your post as needed. pls comply next time. :)

Edited by serverph (see edit history)

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My mistake ... I'm sorry > It won't happen again! :)

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