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Captain Jerry

Macromedia Flash Player 8 Do I have it, or dont I?

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Is anybody else having a problem with Macromedia's Flash Player not being recognized by various Web sites?


I've been to several sites lately that tell me that I have to have the latest Flash Player in order to view their "whatever" (YouTube.Com is one of these sites) yet when I go to Macromedia (Adobe) they say "Congrats, you have the latest player" and their little animated graphic plays just fine.


I've even removed the Flash Player and the Plug-In from my system, and re-installed, with the same end results...


Does anyone have any clues as to what might be going on?


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YouTube works with Flash 7; this has been tested with Linux.




So you're saying that my problem might be that I have the latest Flash Player (8) yet all of these sites that don't work for me (like YouTube) might be because they only work up to version 7? Somehow I don't think that's the case, or it would be a massive problem for millions of users... Hmmmmm....


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If you can see flash v8 movies, flash is enabled and working for all versions.

I suggest you try sites like http://www.newgrounds.com/, there are flash menus all over the place.

Now for websites with streaming content, that's another case. I sometimes need to refresh as well before the embedded player shows up. Which browsers have you tested it with ?

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