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Photoshop Tutorial: Pixel Stretching Using Motion Blur

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Here's a new way to pixel stretch using motion blur that I just found, going to teach you how to use it.


1. Open up a new document im using 350x150


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2. Now fill the layer with black then grab a render and apply the following settings to it.

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note=you can change the color to it but this is the color im using for this tutorial


3. make copy of your render then go to filter>sketch>halftone pattern> then use the following settings. with the following colors: background=#515e49 foreground=#796a44.


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note=you can change the color to it but this is the color im using for this tutorial


4. go to filter>blur> gaussian blur and set it to 4 then set to overlay to give it a darker tone


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5. Make a copy of it then go to filter>blur>motion blur set it at 92 angle at 0 and then bring that layer to the left just enough that it covers the area around the border.


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6. since this requires alot of layers best thing to do is make a 5 copies of it to set up the blur and then just duplicate the layers and adjust them accordingly. then make a new layer then go to image apply image and then you can delete all those layers to clean it up a bit.


7. Move your original render up top and this is what you should have this.


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Thats about it, it is pretty simple and it doesn't require the use of ctrl+t and the single column marquee tool. But its up to you on how you want to brush it but this is what i came up with rather quickly after doing that 6 step process.


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