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Alexandre Cisneiros

[PHP + MySQL] Separating The Results By Pages Simple code

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Hi! I will post here a code for separating the results of MySQL in pages.
You ask: Why separete?
I answer: Imagin that you have 1523 results to display. I dont have to say anything. =P
Here is it.

<?php$conect = mysql_connect("host","user","password");$select_db = mysql_select_db("database");$query = "SELECT * FROM mytable";$results = "15"; //Number of results displayed per page.if (!$page) {	$counter = "1";} else {	$pcounter = $page;}$start = $counter - 1;$start = $counter * $results;$limit = mysql_query("$query LIMIT $start,$results");$all = mysql_query("$query");$total_registers = mysql_num_rows($all);$total_pages = $total_registers / $results;//---------NOW LETS SHOW EVERYTHING!! =Dwhile ($data = mysql_fetch_array($limit)) {	$name = $data["name"];	echo "Name: $name<br>";}$prev = $counter -1;next = $counter +1;if ($counter>1) {	echo " <a href='?page=$prev'><- Previous</a> ";}echo "|";if ($counter<$total_pages) {	echo " <a href='?pagina=$next'>Next -></a>";}?>

<?php$conect = mysql_connect("host","user","password");$select_db = mysql_select_db("database");$query = "SELECT * FROM mytable";$results = "15"; //Number of results displayed per page.if (!$page) {	$counter = "1";} else {	$counter = $page; //CHANGE 'pcounter' to 'counter'}

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