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Rex Slade Story One

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I was alone in my office, that?s only because I work alone. My name is Rex Slade, and I'm a private eye. The only light that is inside the room is the embers of my cigar rising in luminescence as I inhale the pure toxin. I work many cases, some I work with partners, but always when I work with somebody else, I always lose a person that got close to me. That?s when I decided that Rex gets close to no one, because in the end it just hurts to see them gone. I had a great girl, one of a kind. We were engaged and that?s when Tony Labrado came barging through the door, and shot her. I didn't do anything for a month, and finally I let go of the emotional value I had attached to her, and now I just watch out for me and my clients.Suddenly a brunette comes in, and I ask her, what she is doing here at a time like this. She has a job proposition for me. Of course, Rex never turns down a case. So we got into the deep discussion about Tony L. and how he's been messing up her life. I have a personal vendetta with Tony, so of course I?ll do anything to get back at him, anything. That?s when I figured out that she wanted me to be something that I wasn?t a hit man. I had to explain to her, I don't assassinate people. I solve crimes, but I sure as don't make any. That?s when a blond showed up; something was distressing her to the point where she could barely calm her down.The brunette and I calmed the blond down enough to talk. I heard what she said, and I can say I didn't like what I was hearing. Tony apparently had used her as a messenger, not one of those singing ones; those are just people doing their jobs. The blond though, she was forced to be the bearer of bad news. Tony had somehow figured out that the brunette had become in contact with me, which in the few minutes that we have been together, it was surprising. It appears that Tony is tracking us, so I peer out onto the lamp lit roads, and I don?t see a soul.I tell the brunette and blond to go home and come back in the morning, I have a job to do. The blond leaves about ten minutes after the brunette as so they won?t raise much suspicion, but it?s a little late if Tony?s sending his hired help to track me down. That wasn?t a reassuring thought, but if I?m right, Tony thinks I am close to something big. So I set out to go sleuthing. I don?t really have a hidden persona now that everyone knows me, fame is great but it sometimes leaves dire consequences. I went into an abandoned warehouse. I had an instinct that Tony was here and that he was waiting for me. My gut feeling comes from knowledge; this was where I met Tony the last time. The time when he brutally executed my bride to be, I had chills when I entered the building, but Rex never backs down on a case. Some people think that I?m asking for a death wish, but it helps me. If I don?t back down, I find the answer to what I am looking for and that?s where it all went wrong. I awoke groggily; I could tell that I had been drugged. With what I was unaware but I was sure that I was still in the warehouse. I forced my eyes open, but they could only stay open for a few seconds, and what I saw made me regret that decision. Tony had the blond on the floor, there was a puddle of red, and I don?t think it was the wine he was drinking. One of my clients was dead. Like most villains Tony started into this great monologue, and then I decided this was the time to drift back out of conscious. I awoke several hours later, only an approximate. I knew this only because there was light streaming in through the windows. I had gotten to the warehouse around ten, last night. Tony was startled by the appearance of me waking up. He told me that he had thought I was dead. Not like he bothered to check my breathing or anything. I had to think. I took me a few minutes, but I had finally come up with a plan of action. I waited until his coffee had come. I recognized the lady as the brunette that had came to my office earlier, and she gave me the perfect opportunity. Tony was lured into a false sense of security that I wouldn?t recover from the drugs to soon, so it was only him, the brunette, and me. The brunette had ?accidentally? spilt the coffee onto Tony?s lap, causing him to stand up. I stood up, crouched but up, almost faster than he did. I ran towards him, and he was laughing. That?s because he thought I was going to attack him with my body. At the last minute, I turned. I struck him the bottom of the chair and gave him a heavy wound. I escaped, whatever his fate was, I don?t want anything more to do with it than I have already. It was all in a days work, and I went back into the office. The light was shining and I decided to have a cigar. I inhaled the pure toxin, and watched the end of it light up as I inhaled. Once again I was alone in my office, waiting for another client.

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