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The Warez Party

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A new Swedish party has been founded by software pirates with the aim of abolishing copyrights, patens and trademarks. They founders want to be in the next election for the Riksdag (Swedish parliament) which is scheduled for September 24th and the party is a reaction to the stricter legislation against piracy introduced by the current Swedish government. Fittingly this new party has been christened "Piratpartiet" – the Pirate Party.




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i dont know if you have heard of them but here in england there is a long standing political party called the monster raving looney party. they often stand for seats and regulary come last, but alot of people have voted for them over the years.they also have a shadow cabinet to be reconed with! examples being: Johnny Wood and his Sock (Shadow Minister of Vampires), King Eddy Vee the Yorkshire Elvis (Shadow Minister of Yorkshire Tea, puddings & Elvis), Baron Von Thunderclap (Shadow Minister for Transport, Saving The Dodo & Decimal Time) etc

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I wouldnt be surprised if a-lot of people were voting for Monster Raving Looney party !

Decimal Time

What happens, when aliens make first contact, and we have to explain out time system !!!

24 hours in a day !!! 60 minutes in an hour..

How will the aliens ever be able to take our mathematicians seriously !!!

and the beautiful alien women will never come anywhere neer us !

note: this entire post is a joke, im really not insane.
honestly :D

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and the beautiful alien women will never come anywhere neer us !



I don't care about the alien women - if aliens ever contact me, I'll dazzle them with my brilliant knowledge about useless trivia so that, as my reward, they find me a handsome human guy.


Or maybe I'll just start dating aliens. I've never cared what kind of car the guy drove before, but I have to admit that going out with an alien who drives a spaceship that defies the speed of light would be sweet.

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