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Cms Suggestions Please ..

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I Have used CMS like PHPNuke, Mambo, MKPortal, e107. Out of all these .. i liked e107 .. fact being that:

- It was Small in installation

- It had a PHPbb2 Forum with it.

- It Had a Upload function & and Download DB.

All this lacked was a Gallery, and Coppermine did the trick. The above features are built in and not MODs except the Gallery.


What I was looking for is a CMS smilar to the Features above, with better user base and fast help forums. All in all i would need: Small installation, PhpBB2 integrated with the attachment MOD, Upload function and a Download Function, and a Gallery .. all this in One Install .. Max 1 could be installed as a MOD but i really need somthing like this.


Any Ideas anyone .. just to let you guys know also .. i tried PHPnuke and i wasent comfortable with the Admin layout .. the reason being that i would share the Admin area with a few folks who know NOTHING about Computers but have basic knowledge to click and browse .. so any problem when i cant access i can tell them to do the changes for me .. there for i need a simpler User interfact like e107.




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