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Razor Blaze

Zelda 2005 title...

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Right now I guess this is how people are refering to Zelda that should be out sometime this year. I don't know what they plan to call it in reality.Have seen screen shots, and it looks awesome. But i have a question about it.Does anyone know what the plot for the new Zelda is supposed to be?I have been wondering, because I have JUST beat Wind Waker a few hours ago, and it leaves me wondering the future of the Zelda Series.For those of you have played the game you already know.. They explain, at some point in time, the Hero from the N64 series leaves to help another kingdom under fire, and he is removed from the elment that made him a hero, as a result the part of the triforce he carried was shattered into 8 shards and scattered around hyrule.While the hero was gone, Gannon re-appeared, but the hero did not. As a last resort, the people prayed to the gods for help and the gods sealed both Gannon and Hyrule under water, and had a few people start a new community above the waves on the tops of the mountains of Hyrule, which makes up the islands in the new game.In the new game, a new hero is realised, and he does what he needs to do, in the end, after reviving the master sword, savng the bloodline to princess zelda, stopping gannon and reviving the triforce, he leaves with a group of pirates to unknown parts.Now here is the question. What is the new Zelda going to cover? Will it cover perhaps the adventures of the lost hero of old? Or will it cover the new adveutres of the new hero and princess?Or are they going to pull a complete 360 and do something totally unrealted?

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Here's what I know of the plot, because they haven't released a ton of info, and I don't wanna read a japanese spoiler:I know nothing of the link/princess or link/villian situation. but I do know that he becomes a wolf in it. There is apparently another realm, another dimension if you will, where when humans are pulled into it they can no longer retain their human forms, and take on the form of the animal most like them. Link's totem is a wolf. It's because it fits his personality best. He is the lone wolf warrior. Throughtout the game he switches between wolf and man, and can only be wolf in the "Twilight Realm" as it is called, and vise versa. When a wolf, he's not quite as fast as epona but almost there, and cannot use weapons for obvious reasons, but fights as the wolfies do. I think that the main problem is that the twilight realm, which is supposed to only be accessable at twilight is slowly bumping into the normal realm so he has to save both. the title will be "Twilight Princess". This isn't exactly new news anymore, but I hope I helped :D

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