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My Thoughts On Windows Vista Beta 2

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A good thing for micro$oft to do is to go opensourced, or at least let the final OS's be free. Another thing the could do is stop putting adware and crap into service packs. i mean honestly, its stupid

They would never go opensourced! How much money they'd loose in the long run, besides, they already have popularity. I guess Linux gained alot of popularity from being open sourced, but Microsoft doesn't really need to increase popularity. People are still going to buy Windows just becuase the majority of programs are compatible with windows.

Yes, the adware thing will be probably just as bad as the firewall which I belive they give you in Win XPs (SP2).

Apart from a glossier GUI, is there anything that Vista really offers that is new? I think they're just trying to catch up with the sweet GUI of Macs. As far as I'm concerned, Apple was always ahead of the game where pretty interfaces are concerned. Just my opinion though.

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i've tried internet explorer 7 and disapointed with the link bar is gone, only favourite can be accessed.... so i have to click the fav the llook for my stuff..... before that i can just clikc on the link i put on the bar on top.other then that other feature is cool such as usb drive ram, that is cool...but sad thing is too many version of windows vista is confirm i think there is 5 version or more forgot already....basic, premium, ultimate, bla bla

Edited by AntLvK (see edit history)

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Ooooh vista, how wonderful a story you weave.For me, it's going to be a pain in the *bottom* once it comes out. FIrstly, eye candy isn't important to me. FUNCTIONAL eye candy is awesome, for people who like those OSX style docks thats great. Making 99% of the gui translucent just rapes your system and doesn't actually benefit much (unless like sarah mentioned you can actually see the folders behind other folders and their contents, that would be useful) but the majority of it will simply be for show. Meaning I'll be doing my best to disable most of it (assuming I ever upgrade to vista).I'm also still saying it won't be out this year. It could happen, but I doubt it. I just have a feeling it'll be out first half of next year... probably will get held back to either unbreak something or remove glitchy features. Frankly the longer it stays away the better for me, as I don't want to upgrade and the longer it's not out for, the longer it'll be before the majority of people start switching over.I had completely forgotten about the built in DRM stuff... that should be interesting too. To see how intense it is, or see how crackable it is haha.

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