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Banners And Tracker Error

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hello and how are you evryoneI dunno where to post thisI have seen a banner error page cannot be displayed and also there is that tracker error there is no picture and also the website doesn't work once i click on it. :)

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hey whyme

i still see one error page cannot be displayed in this topic there is a banner and there is the one that works.


If you're talking about the advertisment display on the forums,  i think it's been fixed now.


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hmm really

that is really strange


I have tried going on this site by the way it doesn't work at all the tracker appears blank there is no picture. I dunno how to fix this hmm, i know i don't have the admin options which is ok im just trying to help out this host so they see what errors they got and maybe they can fix them





Hmm..I think we're having some advertsiement difficulites then


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