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What Happens After The Credits Finish ? what will happen?

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If i'm not free for some special reasons, then my credit runs out, what will happen to my website. Is there another way to maintain my activeness without coming to the forum everyday? like putting ads by you...just asking and curious. I do not have a website yet.Thanks for the reply

Edited by microscopic^earthling (see edit history)

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If i'm not free for some special reasons, then my credit runs out, what will happen to my website. Is there another way to maintain my activeness without coming to the forum everyday? like putting ads by you...just asking and curious. I do not have a website yet.


Thanks for the reply


Well you can manage to keep up with credits, it dosent take much time, just a few mins of your online time if you are an IT freek ( like me ) .. but then incase something like what u mentioned happens, then asta provides you with an option to "buy" credits for an amount, u'll have to ask an admin about the further details. But i guess even if you take the buying the credit option, its worth it.


If your credits get over on the other hand, then you will see a default server page that says " Site Temperary down" or something like it. then when you have the required amount of credits, your site will be unlocked.


Further details of the credit system can be found here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86545-topic/?findpost=1064322153


Hope you like your stay here and have fun




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