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Logan Deathbringer

Switching From Astahost Hosting To Computing Host?

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Ok I was just wondering...do to a lack of time these days I've been a bit lax in my posting here. This is do to the fact that I am now working again and have a serious hit to my available internet time. Now the question I have is this...if I can find a way to afford to move over to Xisto - Web Hosting can my site be transfered over to their servers or will I need to rebuild it there?I will continue to be around here and keep posting and requesting help...and hopefully be able to help out others but I don't see being able to keep the site up via posts anymore...my time is very limited till the end of the year....

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Because both Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting are subcompanies of Xisto, I believe that transfer is incredibly easy. Worst case scenario, if you used absolute urls in all of your code, you may have to change them to relative urls and perform a file transfer. I see you have enough credits that should yu perform this switch soon, that won't be a problem. Good luck, and congrats on the return to work.~Viz

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Yup. Can be done for sure - and moreover, I believe, if you become a paying customer at Xisto - Web Hosting, OpaQue will see to your needs of shifting the files. Only modifications you might have to do yourself, is absolute links, as viz pointed out.

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Actually, you shouldn't have any trouble at all even with absolute links because you have your own domain name already. As long as you transfer the domain to the new server as well, your links will remain intact.There may be a slight delay in getting your domain name to recognise the new server but it shouldn't be a problem. Just be sure to turn your forums off right before the transfer to prevent stragglers from posting on the wrong server. Sounds odd I know but it can happen pretty easily. Just be sure you are on the right server (IP address) before turning the forums back on. This way stragglers won't be able to post on the old server cause it will remain turned off.Hope this helps. :)vujsa

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Thanks for all the great input. I will continue to stay around Asta Host no matter what happens I love it here I just don't seem to have the time to keep up the necessary postings for the hosting anymore. I hope to be able to get the paid hosting up soon...still a few weeks out till I have a paycheck to be able to pay for the hosting...just hope I can keep things running till then. Heck I might be able to have the migration to Mambo completed before I switch..who knows...lol.Once again thanks for the help and as always if I can help any of ya out just let me know.

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