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Problems With Mac Os X And Mambo Tiger/Mambo wont save posts/may lock up

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My first experience with Mambo was incredibly frustrating, but I may at least know why. There are problems with Mambo and several Mac OS X Tiger (10.4) browsers.

Specifically, I ran into it with Safari 2.x not activating the Save button when submitting content. After completing your post, the Save button does not work and you end up hitting Cancel and throwing the post away. Under Firefox 1.0.7, the Save button works for me and content is updated, but the browser will often freeze and have to be closed.

It looks like other people are having this issue with varying symptoms. It has appeared at least once on a PC, and it may have something to do with ISP network configurations interacting with Mac OS X. One possible solution is posted on the Mambo Forum (see Keithorama's post (#10) near the bottom), which I have not yet tried. I will post again when I have more results.

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