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Bush And The War Against Terorism Will he start another war?

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I remember the day of 11 september 2001 like it was yesterday, even thought i'm not american. Is was the end of the summer holiday and I was playing on the computer when the phone rang... it was my father who told me to turn on the TV (I even remember the game I was playing ... Star Trek Fleet Command). At first I couldn't belive my eyes ... Well I guess you all know that horrible story... but is there more to it than meets the eye??? ...
A few months ago I was searching on google for something and I ended up on a site that was saying that USA is not a democracy but a communist regime... At first I sad "Those guy's are nuts!" And then I started thinking...
We've all seen Fahrenheit 9-11 except the American public. Why? Because the movie got banned by Bush's administration who of course didn't like the bad publicity stunt just before the elections. The 1st Amendament should ring some bells... Anyway what they did was not a democratic thing.
Watching that movie makes you wonder a lot ... as it seems the war against terorism is infact good for Bush (since he has got elected again). I liked the quote at the end (I read the book) from George Orwell's 1984: "The question it not wheather the war is not real or if it is, victory is not possible. The society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continues. The war is run by the ruleing group against it's own subjects and it's objective is not the victory against East-Asia or Euro-Asia, but to keep the very structure of society INTACT." That got confirmed when Bush got elected again. He started the war and he got elected. See where I'm going. Well he could try the same thing with Iran... of course he will need a good excuse for that (maybe another terorist attack)
I am not suporting in any way Bin Laden or any other terorist regime...
So the question still stands ... Will Bush attack Iran ?
Many of your haven't heard about the movie 911 In Plane Site. That's because it is kind of undergroud. The movie rises many questions regarding 911... Here is a link. Decide for yourself...

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Well i seriously doubt Bush will attack Iran. But then again it is Bush. I bet he is the kind of person who uses a magnifine glass to burn ants. maybe he thinks the ants are people. But i know he has threatend them as well as North Korea. But i know he wont attack North Korea. The Iran thing is just stupid. I dont see why Bush needs to be all war happy.

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I also remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on 9-11-01. At the time I didn't have a clue about what was going on or what the Twin Towers even were. At the time I was living in the Cayman Islands, where I'm originally from. Since then I have moved back to the US (I've gone back a forth a few times) and started college. I'm now half way to my degrees in Political Science and History. I know quite a bit about Bush, the government, and foreign policy. I have also watched Fahrenheit 911 (it wasn't banned, by the way, it was only delayed for release because of a thing I'm not going to go into now). I have had a lot of change in my political outlook about this over the years. At first I was very anti-Bush, anti-Iraq-war and so on. But the more I learn about the things that I've mentioned above, the better my understanding of what's going on and the more neutral I have become about all of this. There is so much to say that I couldn't bare to put it all in a post like this, but I'll skip through my view of this briefly.9-11 attacks:When I first thought about what this was all about, I already understood that they would not have attacked the towers/USA without a reason. I figured that the US had done something to piss them off, and surely they have. The US gov't has had military bases in the mid-East for a long time and have been interfering with these areas for a long time. There is also a cultural issue: the Muslims are disgusted by the culture over here, but are losing some of their people too it (Muslims moving the US, taking part in this "evil" society, etc.). And old scores are probably an issue too.Conspiracy:I never heard of this "911 In Plane Site" before, but it's probably a bunch of crap. People like to make things up like this so make money. Now I'm not saying that there couldn't have been some sort of conspiracy, but if there was, stuff like this movie aren't where to find it - this is simply a way to make some cash, or it's made by people who really enjoy trying to 'unravel the hidden truth' about things for entertainment.Bush:I still think that Bush is a loser president, but he's not crazy and not a complete idiot. I mostly just hate his domestic policy, but I am also skeptical about the Iraq war. There were plenty of reasons to go into Iraq: oil trade, removing potentially threatening power, freeing people, fighting terrorism. The problem that I have with this is that Bush is arrogant. There's a reason why these things weren't done long ago - it's very difficult! But Bush, son of Bush, seems to feel a bit of omnipotence. This is a war that will go on for decades, no question. The invasion of Iraq has only made insurgency expand, the hate for America increase, and the threat of terrorism greater. All good that might come from this whole thing is the hope of helping the Iraqis attain peace and democracy, but if it ever happens it's going to be a long, long, long struggle and not simply done with some petty elections. This war in Iraq is only one of more episodes to come in the future.Neo-conservatism:"NeoCons" are something known best by political scientists (and students) such as myself. It's a new approach to conservatism, which Bush and his Administration (mostly) take their foreign policy approach with. It aims at goals that sound good, and that is primarily the spread of democracy throughout the world. I find it inevitable to happen eventually, but who knows how many centuries that will take. The NeoCons are beginning that process. The problem is, as I see it, is that they focus on the present and expect too much right now. This is why the War in Iraq will fail to be accomplished as they have hoped. Their ideals are good, but they expect too much and think they have more power than they actually do.Iran, N. Korea, etc.They're at least smart enough to do one at a time. Iraq was chosen first because of opportunity and rewards/reasons. The USA just does not have enough power to keep on this "march for democracy". If they think they do, they will weaken the country and, I think, lose their "world power" in the world.I don't feel like writing anymore right now. I will watch this topic and make further responses later. Thanks for reading. Remember, a lot of what I've written might be just my opinion.

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I think that Bush should just get off being President. I mean he took over Iraq ()()()AFTER()()() he had captured S.H. and now he's trying to force a new government system on them. I say, as long as we have our man, don't disturb the otheres because they are glad with the way things are run. In a democratic community such as ours, it seems as if there government is harsh and unfair to them, but it's unfair for them, for us to force our government system on them. He's never going to learn, and so history is most likely to repeat itself.

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I may not agree 100% with all of Bush's Policies. However when it comes down to what the choices were when electing a president this last election it was clear to me the Bush was the least of our evils. I feel that this country the USA would have fallen to a far worse state than it is now if I had elected one of the other president hopefuls. I worried very hard about the close election.Something that I realized within the past few years. All presidents make a mistake somewhere in the presidency. Considering the fact that the government is run by human beings you can not expect it to be perfect all the time. Mistakes are made all the time. People are human and make mistakes.With that in mind what makes you think any other president will be any differant. The truth be told they won't. Fact is if we had a differant president there would be differant reasons to complain and be upset.I believe in this war and what they are doing over there. Yes innocent people are dying but we are fighting to protect what we have.This is not a communist country. The reason why muslims and other people come to the us from other countries is because of the freedoms that the US gives all of its citizens and immigrants. We are not perfect and we fight among ourselves but what happens when someone else threatens us? We unite and fight for our rights. Do you think that Osama Bin Laden is sitting around twiddling his thumbs? No he has operatives here in this country ready to strike us again as soon as a hole in our security is found. Even when the homeland security alerts are not upgraded just by telling us that there is a possible threat is a way to protect this country. This way concerned citizens will report when they see suspicious activity.Our false sense of safety can be shattered at any time just like when 9/11 happened. Truth be told 9/11 could have been much worse. Because of the way our president and the world reacted to it we managed to save many lives.Beth

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I say that it was U.S who planned 9/11 ever since 9/11/2003. Yes, 2003, I thought it was Osama until I began thinking back. Plus, right now U.S is saying that China is a threat, as if, I say that U.S is threatening the world. Although, I'm a bit worried about North Korea....xboxrulz

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It is a very difficult stuff to comment. How it all began and how things will continue to unfold in the fight against terrorism. Though I do not endorse much of Bush's actions in the past few months and years, if I put myself in the same position - its a very tough proposition. And I think the toughest guy American can get is in Bush.While visiting the site's link you've put up here, 911 will be remembered for generations to come. I wonder what the terrorist really wanted to do? Even if we give them everything whatever they want - will the world become a better place for them? I dont think so, I don't think so (borrowed from Elastigirl).So, Bush may be the best bet for war against terrorism atleast for Americans...

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