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Display Or Hide The Windows Version On The Desktop

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How to display or hide the Windows Version on the DesktopYou can display/hide version of Windows XP on desktop1-click Start > click Run > and type “regedit” in dialog box to run Windows Registry Editor2-find and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop3-in right panel, Create a new DWORD, name PaintDesktopVersion.4- Give it value of 0 to hide the version from the desktop, or value of 1 to display the version of Windows Xp on the desktop5- Restart your computer. :mellow:

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I followed and tried that steps that you have provided and it is exactly as you have said -- this, in essence, I think, is a very good tutorial. ^__^ But, um, I do have one question... exactly what is the "Windows Version on the Desktop"? Maybe it's just my stupidity kicking in or something but I do not quite understand that. Can y ou explain it to me? Or maybe... show a picture of what the outcome would look like if you "hide the version of the desktop" as opposed to "display[ing] the version on the desktop"?


Also... what exactly is a "DWORD"? What does it stand for? I'm not sure about that one too. Thank you so much. I'm sorry for asking you all these questions. >.<;;



-- scryoko

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DWORD stands for a double word. The registry is dealrt with byte by byte, and a word is two bytes, so a dword is two words, or foour bytes. I haven't done this, so I don't know exactly what the outcome will be, but the windows version is the version of the build of windows, to see what I think the output should be, simply boot in safe mode, at the top of the desktop, the windows version is displayed. It essentially tells you what verison ('95, '98, 2000, ME, XP, etc.) what build (different releases have different builds) and the latest service pack involved, as well as possibly a little other information.~Viz

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