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Windows Xp 64-bit Where can I find this?

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I have been hearing a lot about this Windows XP 64-bit version. I don't know what it really does or what its main function or feature is.Where can I find this software? Is it an upgrade from XP 32-bit, which is what I have?What are its main functions? How different is it from the 32-bit XP version?

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There are two main differences between Windows XP 64bit and Windows XP 32bit.1) It only runs on a 64bit processor, so most people cannot upgrade to it.2) Very few applications run on it.XP 64bit was eventually designed to solve a catch-22 with Intel. Intel was refusing to make a 64bit processor until there was a 64bit Windows because there would be no large OS to run on it. Windows refused to make a 64bit OS until there was a 64bit Intel chip because most computers that run Windows still use Intel. Eventually, both companies realized they needed to breach the 64bit world, so as a compromise, Windows converted XP into a crummy 64bit so Intel would make 64bit chips. The real 64bit Windows is Longhorn, which should be coming out in less than a year.~Viz

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Hmm.. cool information. In less than a year, you say?One question: If I get a 64-bit processor / CPU, can I still use Windows XP 32-bit?Another question: So, is Windows 64-bit better than Windows 32-bit? If so, how?

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the x86_64 architechture is an extension of x86.
the Athlon64 by AMD is truely a graat CPU, it can run 32bit AND 64bit code at the same time.

I use 64bit Linux on my system, BUT macromedia have not yet released a 64bit flash pluggin, (and untill recently, neither had Java) So im using a 64bit operating system, with mostly 64bit applications, and the 32bit version of Firefox, Flash, Shockwave, and Java.

In other words, 64bit is backwards compatable with 32bit software... but 32bit CPU's are NOT fforward compatable with 64bit applications.

Another question: So, is Windows 64-bit better than Windows 32-bit? If so, how?

yes and no...

32bt computers have 32bit busses, the 32bit address bus is pnly capable of addressing 4GB of RAM memory at once, 64bit cpmputers can address MUCH more ram. (for the future)

64 bit CPU's are more registers, if you use them, you can better optimise porgram code.

basically, a 64bit cpu has doble the word length of a 32bit machine (google for wodlength and cpu's)

so on my computer, if i compile the same program twice, once as a 32bit porgram, and once as a 64bit porgram, the 64bit version will run more efficianyly and faster.

So if you were a linux user, and had a 64bit CPU, i owuld recoment using 64bit linux.
But was a windows user with a 64bit CPU, i would recomend you stick with 32bit windows.

The difference between 32bit and 64bit operating systems is invisible.
no different features, just differently optimised asseemble code / machine code.

Windows is DEFINATLY not ready for 64bit.

i think windows-XP-64 was so windows doesnt seem too far behind when Linux / Unix users have been using 64bit for a while now.

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