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Ssh A little help would be much appreciated

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Alright so I've used linux on and off for about a year now but never really gotten much past using it for my coding for school and general web browsing and the like. I've been trying to get more into it lately and one thing I wanted to try setting up was ssh so I could access my files from other places.I'm running Ubuntu for my distro and I've installed both he ssh and ssh server packages so it's apparently supposed to be running :| I've set up an account with dyndns.org so I can use that to easily access my ip address from abroad, and thought everything was going smoothly until I actually TRIED to ssh in haha. No dice.I can ping my router (I assume...SOMETHING is pinging properly at the ip I linked to dyndns) using the dyndns account I setup but thats about it. I am under the impression I need to set up something along the lines of port forwarding in my router but any resource I've read about this hasn't explained that well...it basically said to "set it up" which...is what I wanted help on...so that was pointless to me. Anyways if anyone can sort of walk me through a step by step of setting everything up it'd be much appreciated. As I mentioned I'm running Ubuntu linux 5.04 and have a d-link router (I believe...I'll check that when I get home tonight and post the specifics if its not). Oh and if you want to move this to the linux forum you can, I was up in the air on where to post it since it seems more networking then linux but whatever, you're the admins heh.

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well do you have port 22 open on the router to point to your unbuntu linux machine?if not that is your 1st problem.do you have another machine on your network? if yes try sshing from that machine to your linux machine. If it works then you know the issues is with the router not passing port 22 to your linux machine.

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Yea I usually have another comp on the network but don't for the next month or so or I would have tried that. So is port 22 the default port that is automatically used by ssh? If so that shouldn't be too hard to set up tonight. I was trying to find the port it used and maybe I just had horrible luck but the sites I all looked at seemed to ignore explaining WHAT port to forward...thanks in advance, hopefully thats all I needed to know

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Quick Search for Ports on Google gave me this:

once you find the port your working with you can do another google search or I would suggest going to Dlink's site and viewing the support documents for your particuliar router on how to allow ports through

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Ah cool, that port list will probably come in handy someday. But yea I'm sure I can figure out the port forwarding things, my routers got a pretty straight forward config interface.Thanks again man, usually I can get past these little hiccups easily enough but every once in awhile lady luck decides to stop me up haha.

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