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Iframes (and Other Annoyances) Grrrrrr

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I'm using Dreamweaver MX 2004 with a combination of design and coding, right? Should be simple to make a rather simplistic but cool-looking web site. Easy, right? Well, when it comes to iframes, it's not. I don't know exactly how I did it in the first place, but I used the iframe tag set (using DW's nice little "insert tag here" feature) and now I'm rather lost on how to get it to work right. Anyway, I'm blathering here, so I'll get to the point. Go to my webpage and take a look. You'll notice that the news.html file properly displays within the iframe. Well, click on any of the links on the side, and you get my temporary pages, only they don't open within the frame. What gives? Anyone know how to get them to open in it like the news file does?

Also, if you highlight a link on the left side, then move the mouse away, the title bar goes blank, rather than showing the main title again (those are images, by the way). So how do I fix that?

Thanks ahead of time to anyone who contributes any info or comments on this issue.


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i'm not postivie, but i think the source of your error is the javascript coding, not to say that the coding is wrong, but i think that the javascript may be interfereing with the iframe function. A good try (if you're using firefox, is to disable javsricpt in the options area. and test out if that still occurs, if it is, try using <? php include ("content.html") ?> that always works - if you're not php compliant, i'll help you out. :angry:) hope this helps,whyme

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So, when a visitor clicks on one of the menu thinggies you want the new page to load only in the iframe, right?

What you need to do it give the iframe a name, just like with "normal" frames. Like

<iframe name="framename" etc. etc.>
And then give the links a target like so:
<a href="page.html" javascript stuff etc. etc. target="framename">

That should hopefully work. But make a backup of what you have before trying it :angry:

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it's not ashard as you think, simply save the page as .php instead of .html, then instead of placeing the iframe tag below,<iframe="newsandupdates.html" />replace it with the following<? phpinclude ("newsandupdates.html") ?>then you're done!

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Your site is in html, so here's what you do:


Name your frame...

<iframe name="_frame">
Make your links like this:
<a href="http://page.html" target="_frame">Click here</a>


Wow. I can't believe it was that easy. I added in the underscores and they all worked fine! Now the only problem is getting the "World of Glass" title to reappear when you move the mouse away from a button. Everything else involves change appearance and rearranging things and whatnot.

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Wow. I can't believe it was that easy. I added in the underscores and they all worked fine! Now the only problem is getting the "World of Glass" title to reappear when you move the mouse away from a button. Everything else involves change appearance and rearranging things and whatnot.


Ok... anyone know how to fix that? (see above)

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