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Hi Everyone :) A Little About Me...

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Hi, my name's Rae, nice to meet you all! I'm a 19 year old single mother living in Maryland. I love designing websites (even though they're not that great), I dabble a little in PHP scripting, and I love to help other people. (I aslo like anime :lol: )I started learning HTML 5 years ago, and I've had over 5 sites since! My goal is to have my own free hosting company, much like this one (but without the forum posting,). I've actually had a little one going for the past 3 months, but the hosting costs were just getting to be too much on my low income :lol: My domains are dreammare.net and dreammare.org... I ran out of good domain names Lol. I offered free website, forum, tagboard, blog, image gallery, guestbook, forum signature, tell a friend, and counter hosting services. Hopefully, when I reach my 50 post goal I'll be able to do it all again! I would actually like to find other people who would be interested in partnering up with me in the DM.NET site and going for a group hosting plan. If anyone would be interested in being a template/graphic designer, programmer, or forum mod, please contact me :lol:

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Hi SunBlind :lol: First of all Welcome to Xisto... I wish you all the luck & success in your endeavour. We've a great community of developers/artists/designers in here. Dive right in and have fun !! I'm sure you'll have loads to share and learn even more in the process. That's what the very essence of this community - try & help other's and in return be helped by a bizillion more :lol: Cheers,m^e

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Aww that's really sweet, thanks a lot :lol:

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No problem at all :lol: You're most welcome. why don't you just join in and share your web-hosting experiences with us as a starter.. about your setup and how you went about it... and how far did you succeed.. am sure there are many enterprising young people out here who'd benefit from your writeup :lol:Regards,m^e

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That's a great idea! Thanks again :lol: Although, my story isn't very special... I just got frustrated when I first started out with websites with all of the ads, popups, and the restirctions with all the other free webhosting companies... So I decided to start my own! I was successful for about a year... I had a little partnership with my friend Lenny of Xvanced, forming xs_host.net (The Xvanced/SunBlind Network) We only had about 15 users, but it was worth it! One day we realized that one of us forgot to renew the domain name and we lost it all :lol: Now I'm trying to do it all again, but with more services, more people, and a lot more advertising!

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Yeah, it sucked really bad :/ But thanks for the sympathy and the encouragement, I really appreciate it :lol: I'm trying to put up some cool tutorials... I'm working on a simple webpage generator but first I need to find a place for my pages so I can test them. I made the generator last year when I wasn't really good with PHP and when I looked through the code last night I about had a heart attack, so I had to redo it all. Anywhos, off to go find a decent host. Thanks again!

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Why don't you apply for Free hosting here ? You've got plenty of credits to get Package 2 - the Regular one. You can carry out all your testing in here and meanwhile search for some other place to run your own service. Did you check out all the terrific features this free host offers ?

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Yeah, I was thinking about doing that... Is it possible to have Package 2 for myself and then when I get enough people for the group package, switch accounts? With all the stuff that I plan on doing with my site, I'll need graphic designers, coders, help and support people, mods, and all that and I think having enough space for everyone to have their own little thing would be incentive enough for them to join. With my son almost in the "terrible twos" and trying to find another job, I'll need all the help I can get with the site :lol:

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I don't think the group account is possible anymore.. coz those plans have been scrapped. Right now we're offering only the Starter and Regular packages - you've sufficient credits to apply for the regular package. You should do it right now without increasing you credit count, because irrespective of whether you have 30 or 90 credits, when your account is created, the count dips down to 3. SO start building up on your credits once you've got the hosting account. You can make this as a base - and start your site again... later on if you think you've way more load, you can shift over to our cheap paid hosting which starts at $10/year - very affordable I believe.Regards,m^e

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Aw man, I think I'm gonna be sick :P I was really looking forward to that, too... Are there any notices about that in the forum?

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