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Piggybacking Via Wifi Is it possible??

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The other day this thought occured to me. It is a bit complex to explain but i'll give it my best shot.Now assume that you have a wifi network (Call it A) at home. Now youhave your own business and have a wifi network in the office (:D. Now there is a considerable distance between the networks so they cannot be connected. Now how about this scenario....Your connection B can see C,D,E networks. Now assume C sees F. D sees G,H.. so on. By seeing i mean detect that particular network. Now after a certain amount of searching you find a network that can see your home network. Let us call the route a chain. The chain could be something like this. B>D>H>I>N>A. Now if you could piggyback across all theses different networks to connect back to your home network...... I hope you get my point.The thing with me is that my mind keeps running wild when a new computer related thought occurs to me and i think about various ways it could benefit us. Consider the following scenarios:(A) You get to connect remotely to your home network.(:D Assume music systems in cars become wifi enabled in the future. You can get your car system to connect back to your home network to get content. By content i mean music, videos, movies etc.© You have an internet connection. You see another piggybacker with one. You have the faster connection. You can share the connection and thus make his life easier. Thus we can create a giant web of internet connectivity where people limit the bandwith that they "share". Thus everybody gets internet everywhere.(D) Assume you see a connection that is not piggybacked. You can share the "client" that will allow him too to piggyback for himself.Now, "client" is a software that searches on your wifi network for other piggybacked networks and attempts to connect to them. Every user puts his networks under an "umbrella" i.e. a list of his networks. He specifies the required networks and the client tries to connect automatically to that network. It also attempts to see other inernet enable piggybacks and will try to route your internet requirements through that network if it detcts a higher speed and vice versa. There are many more posibilities that i might have not even thought of. Please put forth your views on this.PS:- Forgive me if the term im supposed to used is not piggyback. If it is correct and you have a better suggestion..please go aheadPS:- 2. I have not ventured into the safety issues that would arise due to well....the number of them. But we could discuss them here.The (:D is well ( B ).....

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Hmmm.... a response seems to be taking a while. Is the idea too far fetched to be of any particular use or what?? I mean its taking a long time for any responses. Im waiting.......

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Well technically, the idea you proposed is the basic foundation for IP packet routing over the Internet. The only difference is that you are bouncing via wifi rather than through landlines. If you set up any connection (be it FTP or what have you) that's exactly what is being done. The packets have an address they are being sent to. They'll hop network to network until the address is reached.

So say you have your home computer up and accepting connections. If you did a traceroute from your office, it will report the route in which the packets are being sent from your office to your home computer. What you want done is being done automatically, and if there is no route available, then you'd get an error. The beauty of it is that these packets are not restricted to WIFI alone. They will travel via wifi to the nearest network, but if that network has a quicker route available through a landline, it'll take it, and possibly skips a bunch of WiFI bounces which makes things quicker.

I'm pretty sure they have ways of specifically programming packets to be routed through chosen paths, rather than it being more or less random. I've seen it in the movies anyway :lol: Do a search for "packet routing" on yahoo or somewhere and see if you can't find anything on it.

As a matter of fact, I've just found a bunch of sites that will probably explain it better than I did... and they have pictures :lol:



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