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Virus Alert (hoax)

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Recently a new virus was discovered that was classified by MICROSOFT https://www.microsoft.com/de-de and by MCAFEE http://www.mcafee.com/us/index.html to be the most damaging of all time! This virus was discovered by MCAFEE and still there is no development of a vaccine!This virus simply writes zeros on the hard drive, where the vital information for the operation of the PC is kept. The virus activates in the following manner: 1. By email it is received with the title 'A VIRTUAL CARD FOR YOU', when opening the message, it sends itself to all in the address list soon... 2. It hangs the machine, forcing the user to reboot the system.3. AT the moment in which the keys ctrl+alt+del or the RESET button is pressed, it writes zeros to the hard drive making it unusable forever.By the previous information, please, take precaution with the use of electronic mail and, of course, if you receive an email which you do not know the origin of, simply delete it without opening.Please, send this message to the most people possible!!!!In a few hours yesterday, this virus caused panic in New York, according to CNN http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ out !

Notice from jipman:
Topic title changed a teeny weeny bit

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One sure way to know if the info is a hoax is to check the news media. It is the fastest way to get the word around and the companies use them for that.The whole idear behind these kind of crap is to startup a chain mail fervers.

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yes i recently recevied the bill gates paying you to forward on mail hoax... i thought it had died years ago but here was someone still getting and believing it...people should use google more often... :)

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I've heard about this before. I am in a clan for an MMORPG and they sent this out to me like a month ago. Then 30 min. later they sent another email telling me that it was a hoax. And I had gotten worried for nothing!

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