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Configure Red Hat 9 To Connect To Reliance Isp(in) Finally, something I can use...

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This is it for me ... RedHat 9..

I've gone through the last 4 weeks without internet access after I installed Debian.. My modem supplier and ISP provided me a Linux driver installation which was supposed to make my life simple.. but unfortunately.. since I was a bit new to Linux.. I guess I goofed up the install.. anyhow.. the internet connection would not go through...


Next I installed Fedora Core 2... I got that off a friend of mine who swore by it... all in all it was a great package.. I installed the internet connection package that my ISP provided, but ugh ugh.. nothing seemed to happen... any how.. bu now I'd installed and re-installed Debian and Fedora a few times.. each time checking diffrent solutions I found on various forums for the ISP and Modem I was using, but nothing seemed to work...


So.. I got myself a copy of the 'very reliable' Mandrake (mow Minerva) Linux.... great to install.. It actually manages to install in under 25 minutes.. which on the whole I think is pretty good.. Mandrake stayed on my computer for the last week... I had to travel a bit and make a few presentations at my company's annual conference... and the OpenOffice.org Presentation S/W came to the rescue here... got really used to it.. and it did a fantastic job.. Still... no internet... anyhow.. I get back to Bangalore... and talk to a few people who've been using Linux with the same Modem and ISP that I have.. and they told me about having a few problems ...


The solution.. I got myself.. RedHat 9... installed it (very quick install)... and the first thing I did (and by now I've become at trying out 7 different solutions to installing an internet connection.. ) was install the ISP provided connection S/W... Lo and behold.. it worked... Wham.. I'm back in business. the world is no longer a dark place..


Installing Modem - LG2030 CDMA with Reliance Connection


Now.. for anyone in India who's using 'Reliance' as a provider.. Here's how you install the Modem and ISP connection...


1. Get on to the Reliance Website and https://l'>download the Installation (it's a .tar file); The 'installation guide' is https://l'>available here

2. Burn this file to a CD

3. Install RedHat Linux (the solution only seems to work in it's present state on RedHat); installation is a fairly simple task.. use the GUI and follow the instructions.. Keep a note of your screen size handy

4. After reboot, shut down your system; Plug in your USB cable (one end onto your LG2030 handset - keep it in its charger; and the other end on your USB port); restart your system select KDE as your session and login as 'root' (KDE so you can 'right click' and open a 'terminal'

5. Place your 'Reliance Installation' CD in your CDROM and open the revelant folder (if you're unsure - click on the secons icon from the left bottom of the screen - the one that says 'Mozilla Web Browser' as the tool tip when you hover over it, and type in file:/mnt/ , this should show you your available drives)

6. Copy the .tar file to your user 'home'

7. 'Right click' in the folder (not on the file) and select 'Open Terminal Here'

8. In your Terminal type

tar -xvf rconnect-cmdline-1.0.tar
(this will unpack the file and create a folder called 'rconnect1.0' in the same folder as your tar file

9. Enter the folder 'rconnect1.0' > Right click and open a terminal > type

sh install.sh
This will run the installation of the dialer... fill in the appropriate details as and when prompted.. remember to put in your username as (STD code without the first '0') and your Reliance Number in the old format eg (for Bangalore 8036XXXXXX) - Call Reliance Customer care to find out what your the old format would have been should you have difficulty with your new format

10. the dialer will ask you if you wish to connect.. say 'Y' and the modem will be automatically searched for and connected to...

11. to disconnect type within your terminal 'rdisconnect' (to connect at a later time - just open a terminal and type 'rconnect' and to disconnect 'rdisconnect')


Hope this helps anyone who wants to install Linux and use the Reliance Connection wireless modem

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