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Hosting Credits And More Just a passing thought

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The other day i was thinking about Xisto and was frustrated at not being able to do more on the forum. But i was not very bothered...i had enough credits to my name. I just did a sort of check on my hosting credits and the way they were "spent"


Hosting credits when applied fo starter package: 11

Credits deducted :10

Credits when i applied for the default package : 34

Credits Deducted :32

Credits after upgrade : 2

Now i have applied for a domain change : 10 credits


So total credits i spent in getting a starter package -> Default Package -> Domain Change : 52

What would have otherwise been used had i applied directly : 30


So Credits "lost": 22.

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Yup you're right - in fact, if someone waits till the credit pileup is more than 30, it's a better idea to go for the second package straight. Then you don't miss out on those extra credits you loose by going through the Starter > Upgrade roadmap. I guess a lot of people have got that figured out, coz recently many of them are patiently waiting till they've enough credits for the 2nd package and then applying directly for it. :(

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well you have to wait for the package to be answered and stuff and approved. Usually by then you would have around 30 credits anyways so there really isn't a point to ask for the beginner packageI did it and by the time everything got figured out I was at like 34 credits meh 34 down the drain

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who would need a (free)webhost urgently. if it was that urgent and they had a good enough idea to use the space well they would get a paid host or a quicker (but not as good) host. like m^e said many people have it figured out how they can get hosting quicker and what needs to be done to get it is worth it!

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