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Delphi - A Simple E-mail Notification System Check the number of new e-mails messages

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I guess you really can't get ANY MORE CREATIVE than that?This is just the same scene when I wrote a tutorial about changing the start menu button caption. The start button was just AN EXAMPLE of what you could do with handles.This is also an example, and there are countless possibilities what you can do with it!In my case:1)I extended this example and made a program that enables me be notified when I receive new e-mail messages when I turn on my computer, but I will also be notified when I receive an important message from my relatives.2)I am also subscribed to a newsletter, and when I receive an email that is from the address that sends that newsletter, my program will automatically download it and show it on the screen (kind of like when somebody brings you the daily newspaper).3)When I receive an e-mail from the phpBB newsletter, it usually means that a new security alert is found and/or there is a new version of phpBB available. There are many script kiddies around that get their hands on the fresh exploits around and can easily trash my forum. That's why I get notified right away when it arrives from my program.In a sea of unread e-mail messages, spam and other junk mail, this small program is very useful to me.BTW: When I read a tutorial, I usually try to learn something, not just follow the instructions, get the job done, congratulate myself on how smart and clever I am, and still know nothing.

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Now, Delphi is a really user-friendly programming langauge! I must use it, i think. Or do you think I have to stick to VB? But I am not using VB for more than 2 years now. I love PHP though.

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If you know Visual Basic, you should have no problem when learning Object Pascal (Delphi, that is). Just remember to put ";" on the end of every line, and instead of the "{" bracket, you will be using the "begin" word, and instead of the "}" bracket, you will be using the "end;" word. Delphi is a very powerful programming language, but it still keeps its simplicity. It wouldn't hurt if you could take some time to learn it.Check out these links if you are interested:https://www.microfocus.com/borland - The makers of Delphi http://torry.net/ - A great web site where you can find allot of components, code examples and applications for Delphi http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - There are some tutorials on this site, and lot's of nice articles (there is a bit more advertising than usual, but it pays off)

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