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Googlebot- Websilt Listing Problem Searchengine doesnt find my website

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Hi all,Gogglebot finally "hit" my site for the first time today.PROBLEM: I type my URL into the Google search engine & I get a site not found error.QUESTION: Is this usual OR is there a problem???... Becuase when Yahoo & Alexa & Ask Jeeves webspiders hit my site it got listed in their respective search engines respectively immediately afterward.My cpanel stats for the respective webbots show the following:Alexa- 1st hit date = 4/10/05; "indexed"= 118kbYahoo- 1st hit date = 4/20/05; "indexed"= 36kbJeeves- 1st hit date = 4/19/05; "indexed"= 7kbGoogle-1st hit date = 4/26/05; "indexed"= 2kb I've done all the meta tags & titles & Keyword optimization ...etc. so..Why doesn't Google listing my website?? Is there a "normal" "lagtime" between the time Googlebot hits your webpage for the first time and when your website gets listed in their database??? OR is/are there other considerations that need to be "optimized".Any observations from your own personal experience is appreciated.ThanksRGPHNX

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I havn't yet submitted my site to goole, but I did alot of reading on how google works. They do what is called a "crawl" of the internet. They do these crawls a few times a year. They do a few small crawls and a couple huge crawls. Thier Spider Bot will scan sites until it has reached it's quota, or until it can't gather any more sites, and that is when the data is integrated into google's search results. Depending on the size of the crawl, your site should be on their listings any day now. I'd just have a little bit of patience!

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