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New Computer, Start From Scratch Step-by-step tutorial

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OK, I'm absolutely no professional, and can't tell the best choices in this, but this is just a step-by-step tutorial, if you want to add something, or recommend a certain choice, please, do add it.


Step 1. The hardware.

(Picking the Perfect Case)

the best thing is to buy everything separate instead of buying a total computer at the K-Mart. you will pay more, and buy things you don't need, or don't get the things you do need.


First, pick the case you want, view (Picking the Perfect Case) for further advice, be sure you watch these things:

1: Compatibility - good measurements!

2: Expandibility. - do you want more cd-rom drives?

3: Cooling. - no noise and over-heating.

4: Looks. - totally white or pimp my computercase (casemodding)?


After the case, see what you want in it. in that, i can't help you much. you need a motherboard videocard, processor, memory and some RAM, the rest depends on what you need.


Step 2: OS

(War of the OS World)


First, you need an OS. There are a lot of discussions on this, i can't give you the real pro's and cons of each one, but here goes:

The most used is Windows (it really is! :P)

Linux is the one with the cute penguin

Mac is the one known for its weird-colored monitors

If you can't choose, pick two and dual-boot.

Visit those topics for more information.

after installing your OS, make sure you got the configuration set to your preferences, and the perfect software ->


Step 3. Software

browsers: these are the best know:

IE - microsofts, standard with windows, not very much positive reactions :P;

Firefox - by Mozilla, most used after IE;

Opera - don't know very much about it, seems to be good;

Netscape - same here;


word processing

MS Word - comes with windows;

wordpad- very simple;

jarte - equivalent of ms word



Pixia and the GIMP, i can't choose for you, pixia is more simple, the gimp is more powerful - from what i heard.



Windows media player - comes with windows, asks a lot from your pc

winamp - simple, asks less.



Audacity is the most powerful free software. i don't think there is a better choice.


IM: totally depends on what your friends use...


Antivirus and more:

Avast! - free (as long as it isn't the professional) multi-purpose av.

Spybot - Search&Destroy and AdAware against spyware.


That's it for now, comment it, and add anything.

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Sorry, but i dont think this qualify's as a

From Scratch, step by step tutorial

so ive moved it here from the tutorial section.

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