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Codex Alimentarius DEADline - April 22

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Not specifically "science" in and of itself, the Codex Alimentarius is a bill that is going to be voted on April 22 that will produce regulatory laws on natural supplements (ie. vitamins).
I just heard about this on an internet radio show I listen to regularly that had a special guest come in and talk about this thing. It scares me what this thing could mean for the health of the human species.

Now the reason why they would consider something crazy like this is because the bill itself is over 15,000 pages :) The longer the bill, the less people that are going to read it.
Here's a link that was written by a who actually read the whole thing:

I'll pull out some of the notable sections from that page:

What's the bottom line for a healthcare professional practicing alternative, nutritional, natural, or environmental healthcare? The World Trade Organization (WTO) is poised to take away your right to practice the healing arts guided by natural laws, scientific principles, and your clinical expertise and judgment. Through the Orwellian process of harmonization (forced alignment) with WTO standards that regulate trade, distribution, and processing of food, herbs, and nutrients, your professional rights and options will be eliminated within the next few years. The proposed standards are extremely detrimental to the environment, your medical practice, and the food supply.

Once CODEX is adopted by a nation, there is a phase-in period during which the administrative structure is established according to a strict time-table. Bear in mind that in the United States, nutrients are currently classified as foods [under the 1994 Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA)] and that any substance not explicitly forbidden is permitted as a nutrient in the United States. UnderĀ  CODEX , any substance not explicitly permitted by CODEX policy is banned as a nutrient.
The CODEX preamble specifies that supplements and nutrients may not be used to prevent, treat or cure any disorder. Yet, more than 80 percent of Americans use supplements for exactly these purposes. Nutritional and environmental physicians, naturopaths, nutritionists, chiropractors and other licensed health professionals employ hundreds of natural minerals, supplements, and herbs precisely because they are effective in preventing, treating and curing many diseases.

Seriously, read the section "Once implemented, CODEX ALIMENTARIUS does the following:" about half way down the page... They're going to totally screw us all, and the human life expectancy will be cut in half :rolleyes: IRRADIATION OF FOOD... and you though barbque wasn't healthy for you!

All for what? Money. It makes me sick. I'm a volunteer for the internet radio station I was talking about and have the broadcast archived... so once he gets it up on his webspace, I'll post a link for you all to hear about it.

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